20. Therapy & Retail

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*1 week later*

Chris sat in the drivers seat as he drove Asher to his first therapy session. It was his one and only condition, if he wanted to continue to stay under his roof. After what Mia had told him, he wanted to make sure Asher got the therapy he clearly needed, if he knowingly put her through all the trauma he did. They all knew that it would have hit her hard especially because she could barely even visit Camille's burial site.

"This will be good for you." Chris spoke up breaking the silence.

"Hmm." He replied simply.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" He asked.

"No." He answered, getting out of the car.

"I'll be here when your session ends." Chris said.

"Obviously." He replied.

Since they were released from the hospital they hadn't talked much. Mia had reached a tipping point already, the accident making it worse. Asher was too ashamed of everything that happened to him in the past and now because of the recent events.

Mia was seeing Stella every other day since she came home.

For Asher, Stella made sure to find a good therapist as soon as she could and it was a long process trying to get him to go. He wasn't as lenient as his youngest sister.

She argued over nothing because everything felt pointless. Nothing really felt worth it. She wasn't sure if it ever would because this had come crashing down on her slowly yet surely since everyone she ever needed had died.

"You okay?" Ben asked Mia.

She was lying in bed watching a movie but not really watching it.

"Yeah." She said sitting up. "What are you doing?"

Ben had been back at home to stay with them for the time being.

"You're not in any pain are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine." She replied. "I'd grab something from the medicine cabinet if I wasn't."

"Yeah that's smart thinking." He said.

"It's obvious thinking. You'd have to be an idiot to not think that way." She raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah true." He said as he scooted next to her in her bed. "What are you watching?"

"I don't really know. Something random just came on."

"Is it good?"

"I guess. I don't think I was really paying attention."

"You've been watching a movie for thirty minutes and don't know anything about it? You just spaced out for that long?" He asked.

"I guess?" She replied knowing how that sounded.

Before Ben could press her any further, a knock sounded at the door.

"It's probably Stella." She said.

"Hmm, I'll grab the door." He said just as fast as he left.

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