2. Collage

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Asher released her from his embrace but not before he whispered that he finished cleaning her room.

"Thank you," she replied with a slight smile.

"No problem, M." He said.

"Is there some unspoken language between you too?" Benjamin asked looking between his younger brother and sister.

"They always do that." Chris said as he walked into the living room. He was wearing jeans and a black leather jacket holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Where are you going?" Mia asked eyeing the flowers.

"To see Cam. Anyone wanna come?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll go." Asher said as he headed into the hall to his bedroom.

"Me too." Benjamin said.

"Mia?" Chris asked as he and Benjamin looked to her.

"I'll stay here." She said.

When she noticed her brothers exchange looks she spoke up, "I'll be fine."

"I know you'll be fine but I don't think she should stay home today of all days." Chris said.

"It's just any other day." She replied with a blank look on her face. It wasn't any other day. Everyone in the house knew that it wasn't. Especially for Mia.

"We both know that's not true. Quit lying to yourself." He said.

"I'll call Liliana to come over if it makes you feel any better." She said.

Liliana was really the only person who stuck by her side through the death of her sister and later on, her mother. She was always there for her whenever she needed her. When she pushed everyone away, Liliana was the only one who stayed.

"Mia, you and Cam were inseparable. Why can't you try to visit her just this once? And if you don't like it, you don't have to go back." Chris said.

"Four years ago, I decided I didn't like it and I'm not going back. I don't want to see Camille." She replied, as blank of a face she could manage.

"Mia, you were fourteen then, a kid. You're eighteen now and about to graduate high school in a few months. Don't you think it's time you visit her? How do you think it makes her feel to know her younger sister, the joy of her life, doesn't visit her?" His tone wasn't something she liked and there was an unreadable expression that crossed his face a second before it left.

"She's dead, how would she know if I visit her or not?" She blurted out before continuing. "Besides when are you so quick to visit her anyways?"

A look of frustration crossed his face before he looked her straight in the eyes, "just don't go in my office."

"That's Moms office, not yours. And I already know the rule. Mom has said it many times about her office." She couldn't help but make the distinction clear to him. It wasn't his, it would always belong to their mother.

"Stella is coming later tonight so just let her wait in the living room if I'm not home by then." He said, ignoring what she had said.

"Okay." She replied before heading up to her room, running straight into Asher in the process.

"Slow down, why don't you?" He said before continuing, "Are you coming with us?" He was hopeful that she would.

"No, I'm not." She answered quickly going inside her room so he wouldn't have time to convince her to go. Not that it would. At this point no one could convince her to go because nothing they said worked.

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