17. Justice

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Asher and Mia had been gone for about an hour as Chris and Ben waited for them to walk through the doors at any given moment. They were on their burner computers attempting to track down the guy who had hurt Asher in such an unspeakable way. Two of their siblings had been hurt. Two. He felt as if someone had ripped his heart out and twisted it.

"I found someone. Josh Leverson. He's the only Josh in the area that attended school with Asher. They graduated the same year. And he did leave that school." Ben said.

"Do you really think it's him?" Chris asked.

"He's the only one that makes sense in this situation. It has to be him." He said.

"Let me take a look." He said grabbing the computer from him.

A few minutes later, he responded, "let's go."

"Wait, what if Mia and Asher come back and we're not home?" Ben pointed out.

"We'll leave a note. We shouldn't bother them right now with a text." He said.

Chris ripped a piece of paper off the notepad on the countertop and scribbled a quick note for Mia and Asher when they got home. He left the note on the counter then grabbed the keys and they quickly headed out to the car.

The two brothers got into their respective seats, the engine roared to life, and they sped down the street. They were ready to track the motherfucker who had hurt their youngest brother and make him pay for what he had done. This was justice for Asher and whoever else he had stripped of their innocence.

As they sped down the street waiting to reach his location, Ben and Chris felt their adrenaline skyrocket at the thought of how he'd be dead by sunrise.

Justice, sweet justice. Ben thought as he smiled to himself.

He couldn't wait to see the look of fear on his face as Josh realized he was hours, maybe minutes, even seconds away from death. But the grim reaper wouldn't sweep him into his arms quickly. No, he'd be in and out of consciousness, bloodied, beaten to the pulp, and in pain, before death slowly crept upon him. Exactly what he deserved.

This would be justice.

Asher drove in silence, too caught up in his own thoughts to listen to whether or not his little sister had attempted to talk to him since they left the driveway. He didn't know if she had tried or not but he assumed she didn't given the state he was in. The state they both were in.

Asher had just had a full blown panic attack in front of his siblings and that was another thing that he didn't want out in the open. But if there was anything that life was teaching him it would be that you don't really get a choice or say in anything that goes on. He knew it, and he was sure Mia did too.

It wasn't until he stopped at the side of the road when he finally turned his attention to his sister. It was dark and he had stopped at the over look of the ocean. It was about an hour or two away from their house. He was parked on the gravel close to the guard rail. He wouldn't dare find a regular place to park to go down to the beach. He didn't know why he even drove here. Mia would hate him, just as much as he hated himself for bringing his little sister to this beach.

"What are you doing here?" She asked warily as she eyed her brother.

"What are you doing?" She asked because he wasn't talking. Instead he just got out of the car and slammed the door shut as he walked over to the guard rail viewing the waves as they crashed against the rocks below.

"Hey! What are we doing here?" She called louder. She needed to reach her brother but whatever trance he was in was too strong.

"Ash. Why are we here? Why aren't you talking?" She asked as her heart raced against her chest. "Ash. Talk to me."

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