19. ER

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The receptionist looked at him with a sympathetic look. "Your siblings are in the ER right now. No one but immediate family are allowed." She said as she looked between Ben and Chris.

"I'm their brother. I'm family, too." Ben said when he realized she was looking at him as if she didn't think he was.

"Okay then. I'll have the social worker on your siblings case guide you down to their rooms." She said.

"Social worker?" Chris questioned.

"It's procedure." She stated.

Realizing she wasn't going to say anything more on the subject, he waited until a lady in a sleek form fitting suit came out to greet Chris and Ben.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Micah. I'm working on your siblings case." She said holding her hand out.

"Why do they need a social worker?" He asked.

"It's procedure in cases like this." She said.

"Can somebody please just tell me what that fucking means? I just need a straight answer."

"Your sister was behind the wheel when they were hit head on." She spoke up. "No license or vehicle was or is registered under her name."

Chris chuckled. "There's got to be some sort of mistake."

"No, these are some highly trained individuals. There was no mistake."

"Highly trained people make mistakes all the time." He retorted.

"Let me just remind you that no matter the case, there would need to be a social worker. Given your history." She said.

"Given my history?" He said through his teeth.

"You are looking out for your younger sister who, yes is legally an adult, but isn't out of school yet." She replied.

"Just show me where my siblings are." He said the irritation never leaving his voice.

He followed as the woman, who had already angered him, guided him through the hallway before they reached a series of rooms with curtains instead of doors all around. He scanned the room hoping that their curtain would've been opened but it wasn't. He followed as the social worker took him towards the last room.

The second they reached it he went ahead of her and ripped the curtain open.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked the urgency in his voice evident.

Asher was lying on a gurney with his neck in a brace as the doctor checked his vitals.

"I'm fine except for this thing." He said pointing to the brace that was restricting his head movement.

"Where's Mia?" He asked.

"In surgery." He replied.

"Is she okay? Why didn't nobody care to fucking tell me!" He shouted turning to the social worker.

"Why didn't you fucking tell me?" He asked.

"I didn't know." She said in her defense.

"That seems to be a god damn pattern around here." He scoffed. "Ben stay with Asher. I'm going to find Mia."

"Wait!" Asher called out, his voice coming out hoarse. "My doctor, I'm pretty sure, should know."

Chris turned around and faced his doctor. "Is my sister okay?"

"She's in surgery. She has a broken leg and cracked ribs from impact." He replied. "I'll have her doctor speak with you soon."

"When will she be out of surgery?" He asked.

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