25. Truth

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"Mia, before I say anything about this, I want you to know that you belong. Nothing will ever change the fact that you are apart of this family." Christian said.

"I don't need your pity. I don't want anything from you but the truth." She said.

He took a deep breath before he spoke up, "You were adopted by mom and dad when you were a baby. They had tried so hard to have more after Asher. Mom went through miscarriage after miscarriage before she found out she couldn't have more kids. Without dad knowing, she went to an adoption agency and signed up. Eventually she told him, of course, and he wasn't too pleased with her but he got over it. It took a few years before she was called. They called because they needed immediate placement for you and mom called that agency like ten times a month. They knew she'd take you. She fostered you for four years before she finally adopted you."

"What happened to my parents? Why didn't they want me?" She asked as tears threatened to fall.

"Your birth mom was troubled. She was in and out of mental institutions. Before she was committed for the third time she had gotten pregnant. It was clear she couldn't raise you. So you were taken from her immediately after she gave birth in that institute."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She didn't want to believe it was true but this couldn't have possibly been made up. "Is she out? Is my mom out?"

"I don't know."

"What's her name?" She asked.

He didn't answer.

"For fucks sake what's her name?" She said.

"Aniya Enriquez." He said.

"What about my dad? Why didn't he want me?"

He went silent as he ran a hand through his hair before answering her, "he wasn't a good fit or in the right position to be a father. He was emotionally abusive to Aniya. He was partially the reason she'd end up in those institutes so frequently."

She scoffed. "Could my life be anymore fucked up?"

"You have u-" Asher started but she cut him off.

"I mean my biological parents suck, I have no family, my adoptive parents were supposedly dead but then I find out one of them is alive and could hurt me. And the other didn't even see me as her daughter. My entire fucking life has been built off of lies. Everything was a lie. You all fucking lied to me. How could every single one of you look me in the eyes, tell me you cared, just to continue letting me live a damn lie?"

"Sweetie, this changes nothing. We love you. We wanted you, we want you, you have us, and that is all you need. Nothing else matters." Christian said.

"How can you sit here and tell me this changes nothing when my entire life was just changed?" She said, her voice raised as she finally let tears roll down her cheeks.

"M-" Asher attempted to reach out and hug her but she cut him off as she yanked her arm away.

"Don't touch me." She yelled.

She did the only thing she could think of and swiftly turned around and slammed the door.

As expected, the door swung open and Christian called after her. "Mia, where are you going?"

"I'm going to find the only family I have." She said firm as she ran down the street.

At first she didn't know where she'd go but ultimately she knew no matter what she'd have Liliana. Although, she and her brothers hadn't treated her friend right she knew that she'd be there for her. In the end, Liliana was always there for her. She was there when she lost her "sister" and she was there when she lost her adoptive parents. She would be there for her again. At least she hoped she would.

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