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The calm woman approached Elena, breaking through her daze, and inquired if she needed anything else. Still reeling from the revelation of lingerie, the word echoed in Elena's mind. Lost in thought, she absentmindedly uttered the word "lingerie."

Responding to her request, the calm woman led her to a closed-off room filled with an array of lingerie. Coming back to reality, Elena was startled and stammered, "Huh? What?" The calm woman kindly repeated her words, and Elena, realizing her unintentional disclosure, felt a flush of embarrassment. Despite her confusion, she decided to choose something from the room to avoid making the situation more awkward.

As Elena surveyed the room, her eyes widened at the sight of the revealing garments. She couldn't fathom why someone would wear such provocative dresses in front of their husbands. The thought of herself in such attire, especially in front of Adrian, made her blush intensely. Her embarrassment manifested in red ears as she questioned her own thoughts.

Scanning the room for a more modest choice, Elena selected a white frock-like lingerie. It had two thin straps adorned with delicate bows, and white roses adorned the chest and the hem, making it the least revealing option in the room.

The calm woman led Elena to the counter, prompting the question of payment method. Confused, Elena hadn't considered how to pay and glanced at Adrian, engrossed in his phone. Realizing her predicament, she requested the calm woman to wait while she fetched her husband.

Approaching Adrian, who was absorbed in reading a document, Elena softly called, "S-Sir." Startled, Adrian looked up and saw Elena standing beside him, cheeks tinted in embarrassment. She explained her situation, admitting she didn't have money to pay. Adrian, realizing his oversight, walked with her back to the shop and handed his card to the calm woman.

After a swift transaction, the calm woman returned Adrian's card along with the receipt and the bags. As a parting gesture, she complimented, "You have a very beautiful wife." Adrian thanked her, and they left the shop. Elena offered to carry the bags, but Adrian declined, asserting that it was a man's duty to carry his woman's things.

Elena blushed at being referred to as his woman and was pleasantly surprised by his gentlemanly behavior. This stark contrast to the treatment she had witnessed in the main house, where women were burdened with all the work and faced insults and abuse, left her appreciating Adrian's considerate and gentle demeanor.

As Elena lay in her room, reflecting on the events since her marriage, she began to entertain the possibility that Adrian might be different from the men in the main house. Petunia entered the room, and Elena eagerly showed her the shopping. Petunia appreciated and praised the choices, but her eyes lingered on a bag left unopened.

Curious, Petunia asked Elena about its contents. Blushing, Elena hesitated before dismissing it as nothing. Understanding her reluctance, Petunia gracefully started packing the items back into the bags and placed them in the cupboard. With the room now tidied up, they laid down on the bed and soon drifted into a peaceful sleep, leaving behind the day's adventures and revelations.

In the quiet stillness of the night, Elena found herself waking up with a dry throat. Careful not to disturb Petunia, she slipped out of the bed and tiptoed to the kitchen, craving a sip of water. The soft glow of the moon spilled through the windows, casting a gentle illumination on her path.

As Elena drank from the glass, she turned around only to find Adrian standing there, seemingly materializing from the shadows. Surprise rippled through her, causing her to involuntarily step backward. Her foot slipped on the smooth floor, and just as she was about to fall, Adrian's strong arms wrapped around her delicate waist.

Time seemed to slow as he pulled her back up, her face instinctively finding refuge against his well-built chest. A warmth enveloped Elena, and a subtle blush colored her cheeks. The glass she held was clutched tightly in her hand as Adrian's arms secured her.

Adrian, his expression remaining cold, loosened his grip slowly, cautious not to cause any harm to his delicate wife. Elena, feeling his arms retreat, took a step back, placing the glass on the shelf. She looked down at the floor, her embarrassment evident.

Adrian observed her adorable reactions, a subtle enjoyment hidden behind his stoic exterior. The contrast between his cold demeanor and the warmth Elena felt in his arms lingered in the quiet kitchen, creating a moment that held the promise of untold complexities between the reserved husband and his shy wife.

The grumbling sound emanating from Elena's stomach shattered the quiet ambiance of the kitchen. Swiftly, she wrapped her arms around her midsection in embarrassment, her cheeks flushing an even deeper shade. Adrian, perceptive to her hunger, inquired about her food preferences.

Elena, her head shaking hurriedly, indicated a hesitance to voice her desires. Adrian, interpreting her silent plea, headed towards the refrigerator, intending to whip up a meal. However, his intentions halted at a low yet beautiful, delicate voice that stammered, "I-I will m-make it." Adrian turned to see Elena, her cheeks still tinted with embarrassment, offering to take charge of the kitchen.

He nodded in agreement, taking a seat in front of the shelf on the chairs. Adrian observed Elena as she gracefully moved around the kitchen, gathering ingredients and starting to cook. He couldn't quite grasp why he felt drawn to this delicate fairy. His eyes remained fixed on her, silently contemplating the unfamiliar emotions stirring within him.

Elena, feeling his gaze, experienced a flutter of nervousness and butterflies in her stomach. Instead of feeling uncomfortable, there was an odd warmth in her heart, as if the connection between them was growing stronger through these simple, unexpected moments in the quiet of the night.

Elena put everything in a pan and was stirring it when some strands of her hair fell on her face. She attempted to remove them using her wrist, as her hands were occupied with holding the spoon and the pan. Despite her efforts, the strands seemed determined to be playful that day.

Adrian observed her subtle struggle and extended his hand to help with the unruly strands. Sensing his hand approaching, Elena moved back with a slight jerk, tightly closing her eyes. Slowly, she opened them when she felt a gentle touch behind her ear, where Adrian had pushed back the stray strands. The hair settled behind her ear as if they had successfully completed their playful escapade.

Adrian, his expression still cold and unyielding, uttered softly, "Don't be afraid." His words contradicted the aloofness of his demeanor, creating an intriguing contrast that lingered in the air, leaving Elena in a state of subtle confusion.

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