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Elena, still trembling, finds solace in Petunia's comforting presence. As Petunia enters the room, Elena attempts to rise, but a reassuring gesture from Petunia keeps her seated. Elena leans into Petunia's lap, seeking comfort and security.

With a deep sigh, Elena utters, "What will happen now, Mom?" She addresses Petunia as her mother, a testament to the bond they share. Petunia gently caresses Elena's chestnut hair, offering maternal reassurance. "I am sure things will get better now," she says, attempting to instill hope.

Elena, wearing a subtle frown, questions, "How? How will things get better? Now we are trapped again. We got out from the main house, but now we are slaves to this new man? A stranger. What if he treats us even worse?" Petunia offers a small smile and replies, "What could be worse than what we have seen? And I don't know why, but I feel we can trust this man. And he is your husband, not a stranger."

The room is filled with a mixture of uncertainty and a glimmer of hope as they navigate the unknown path that lies ahead.

Elena's tear-filled eyes reflect both fear and defiance as she protests, "No, I didn't want to marry him. They threatened me." Petunia, with a stern expression, responds, "No matter what, he is your husband, and you need to accept it."

Feeling a surge of emotions, Elena stands up and faces Petunia. Tearfully, she utters, "No, he is just a stranger. He is like the men from the main house. He will also treat me badly. I don't want to spend my whole life like that. You told me a prince would come and save us. You lied to me as well." She cries like a child, pouring out her heart, as if complaining to her mother about the shattered dreams and betrayed expectations.

Petunia, with gentle reassurance, grabs Elena's hand, guiding her to sit on the bed. She tenderly rubs her hand and speaks, "He isn't as bad as you think." Elena, with widened doe eyes glistening with tears, looks at Petunia, expressing her skepticism. Unfazed, Petunia continues, "He brought me here to take care of you. He got a doctor for you, something almost impossible in the main house. Clothes for you, respect at the door, care we never received in the main house. And when you were about to fall, he saved you. This shows his personality."

Elena's expression shifts as she begins to process the given information, the words echoing a glimmer of hope in the midst of her fears.

Elena, wrestling with her fears, voiced, "What if he just wants us to let our guards down and then he harms us later?" Petunia, offering a pragmatic perspective, replied, "He can harm us any time he wants. Even if we have our guards up, can we do anything to him?"

Elena pondered the reality of their vulnerability, but her expressions cahnged as she remembered something, "He told me he will take me for shopping tomorrow." Petunia's face lit up, "That's great! You can buy things for yourself." However, Elena's expression turned somber as she confessed, "But I don't want to go alone. And I don't know how to buy things."

She had been confined to the main house and was shielded from the outside world; only Petunia ventured out for errands. Elena felt lost, unfamiliar with the ways of the world beyond the mansion's walls. The prospect of stepping into the unknown brought a mix of excitement and anxiety.

Elena turned to Petunia with hopeful eyes and said, "Can you ask him to bring you along, please? I don't want to go alone."

Petunia thought for a moment and then suggested, "Why don't you ask him yourself, Elena? It might be a good opportunity for you to interact with him and express your concerns."

Elena hesitated but finally told Petunia, "You ask him, please. I'm scared of him. His icy blue eyes feel like they're piercing through my soul." Elena's fear of Adrian's piercing gaze made her reluctant to approach him directly.

Petunia, sensing Elena's inner turmoil, spoke softly, "It's just his eyes, my dear. Don't be so scared of him. How will you spend your whole life with him if you're so afraid?" Elena remained silent, lost in her thoughts, the weight of uncertainty hanging in the air.

Petunia, sensing Elena's distress, chose not to insist and instead joined her in arranging the bed. As they lay down together, Petunia gently ran her fingers through Elena's hair and asked, "How did you injure your hand, dear?" She harbored a subtle concern, suppressing any doubts about Adrian, deciding to wait until Elena felt more at ease before broaching the subject.

Elena hesitated for a moment but then began to recount the events that led to her injured hand. She shared the details of her encounter with Adrian, the broken glass, and how he had tended to her wound. Petunia listened attentively, absorbing each detail, trying to understand the dynamics between Elena and Adrian.

Elena gazed at her bandaged hand, she asked Petunia hesitantly, "What's his name?" Petunia, a bit surprised, replied, "Adrian. His name is Adrian." As Petunia dozed off, Elena, with the name Adrian lingering in her mind, closed her eyes and drifted into sleep, the events of the day playing in her dreams.

In the morning, they were awakened by the sounds emanating from the kitchen, the rhythmic clinking of utensils and chopping echoing through the air. Curious and a bit anxious, they cautiously stepped out of their room, only to ........

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