Rescue Mission

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The sun hung high in the sky, casting its radiant beams upon the glistening waters of Mako Island. Lewis, Emma, and Bella raced on Lewis' small boat to rescue the girls. Lewis had explained the situation to the two girls on the way.

"We can't waste any more time," Lewis urged, his voice edged with concern as he adjusted the controls of the speedboat. "Rikki and Cleo need us."

Emma nodded in agreement, her determination shining through her azure eyes. "Let's go. We have to get to them before those sharks do and it's too late."

Lewis steered the boat towards the open sea, his fingers gripping the wheel with steely resolve. "Hang on, everyone," he called out over the roar of the engine.

The speedboat surged forward, slicing through the waves with agility. Bella and Emma narrowly avoided the spray it was creating, as popping a tail at that particular moment seemed less than ideal.

Lewis guided the speedboat as close as possible to the wreck, maneuvering expertly despite the turbulent waters. Bella secured the boat in place, and the trio swiftly prepared to rescue their friends.

"Let me go down first. I need to check for sharks" Lewis announced as he slipped on scuba gear. He swiftly dove in, leaving the two girls there.

Bella nodded, her gaze flickering to Emma before she glanced back at Lewis. "Be careful down there."

Once Lewis had disappeared in the water, Emma began talking.

"Hey Bella... I just wanted you to know I really am sorry" She said looking down.

"I know you are Emma. You don't have to worry about this anymore, we are friends" Bella assured her, looking at her with her aquamarine eyes.

"I know, I know it's just... I really thought I was better than that... I'm the mature one. I totally lost my cool and that was just... not me"

"You don't have to worry Emma. I promise, I'm not here to replace you. I'm here to be your friend" Bella smiled at her. "And besides, I'm not totally innocent. I should have done better. I should have introduced myself more slowly and in a better way. I just... Rikki told me it wasn't my fault and I believed her but then I realized... well... you know... it's Rikki. I am just... so sorry I didn't handle things better"

"Thanks Bella... That means a lot" Emma smiled, feeling less alone.
"So... how long have you been a mermaid? Just asking to know how used to covering the secret you are. That's the most important part of this whole thing" Emma cleverly pointed out, she forgot that when she first met Bella, Cleo pointed out she'd been a mermaid since she was 9, but to be fair Emma was pretty much spaced out at that point as she was completely uninterested in Bella. But hey at least now she was making an effort to be interesting in her and her story.

"Oh... since I was around 9 maybe?" Bella answered.

"What? You've been a mermaid since you were a child? That's insane!" Emma paused, she was clearly shocked at hearing an infant could ever be a mermaid.

"Did you at least have any mermaid friends to help you through it?"

"No. I was by myself" Bella replied quietly.

"Wow... That must have been so lonely... going through puberty with the added pressure of a tail" Emma couldn't even begin to imagine what a curse that must have been.

"Yeah... I never even told my parents. I couldn't go to pool parties or anything. I was a freak. Thankfully my parents and I moved a lot so I'd be able to get a fresh start every time. But after a while... it would just turn into the same thing" Bella lamented. "That's why I'm so overjoyed to have found you guys. I have real friends for the first time and... they're just like me! I even have a boyfriend. It's just... amazing" Bella felt butterflies in her stomach just thinking about how she found a real friend group that loved her and understood her.

"Would I be wrong to assume he knows?" Emma asked, referring to Bella's boyfriend, having, once again, forgotten that she was told he knew when she reunited with the girls.

"Yeah he knows" Bella smiled. "What about you? Do you have a boyfriend?" Bella smiled "I mean a lonely girl in Paris or Rome can't stay single forever" Bella joked.

"Yeah I have a boyfriend. He knows. He's great and we are going to go to college together. He was the one who helped me apoplogize to you"

"Well... he knows a thing or two then" Bella smiled jokingly.

Emma laughed. She was so glad to have put her pride aside and become friends with this remarkable, beautiful young woman.

"So... what are you doing for college?" Emma asked, trying to mantain a conversation.

"Oh don't even get me starte-

Suddenly, Lewis popped out from under the water.

"Lewis! What did you see?" Emma asked in a panic.

"Bad news, sharks have surrounded the wreck. Rikki and Cleo are in trouble. You girls need to get down there and rescue them" Lewis explained.

"Are you crazy? How are we supposed to do that?" Bella asked. Even though her voice was calm, it was clear she was a bit panicked.

"Don't worry Bella. I think I know what to do" Emma stated. "A shark's weakness is his gills. Maybe we can use our powers to weaken the sharks" Emma suggested.

"That's risky" Bella said, a worried look forming on her face.

"It might work" Lewis said, as he climbed on the boat.

"Fine. It's better than nothing" Bella said as she brushed her fingers through her hair, stressfuly.

"Alright girls. For Rikki and Cleo"

Emma and Bella dove in swiftly, disappearing with a splash.

"Good luck girls" Lewis whispered as he sat down, hoping the girls would return safely.

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