Bella & Rikki

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Bella sat at the cafe thinking about Emma. Was Emma the one with the problem? No, it had to be her. She did take her friends after all.
Not soon after Rikki came in and sat in front of her.
"Alright, out with it. What's wrong?" Rikki asked even though she very much knew the answer.
"It's been a while since we've seen Emma," Bella said, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I don't know why she's been avoiding us."
Rikki turned to look at Bella, her eyes filled with understanding and bit of frustration over Emma's acts. "Bella, Emma can be stubborn. And by that I mean she's the most stubborn person ever. Trust me. She's probably got her reasons, and it might not have anything to do with you."
Bella sighed. "I just can't help but feel like she hates me. Every time I've tried to reach out, she's just brushed me off." "Normally I'd ask Will for help but he's been really stressed with college applications, specially with the added pressure from Sophie. I just don't wanna dump all my problems on him, you know, again."
Rikki placed a reassuring hand on Bella's shoulder. "Look, Emma's been through a lot. She's been away for a long time, and she might be dealing with her own stuff. But I've known her for a while, and she's not the type to hold grudges. She'll come around."
Bella looked at Rikki with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "Do you really think so?"
Rikki nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, I do. You know, when we first became mermaids she was hesitant and miserable at first but came around. She's just stubborn, that's all."
Bella's frown began to ease as she absorbed Rikki's words. "You're right. I should give her some space and time. Maybe she just needs that right now."
Rikki squeezed Bella's shoulder. "Exactly. Just be patient, and she'll come back to us. We're a team, and nothing can change that."
Bella nodded, her confidence returning. "You're a good friend, Rikki. Thanks for being here and understanding."
Rikki grinned, her smile filled with warmth. "Anytime, Bella. That's what friends are for. Now, get up there, the band's waiting. You've got some singing to do!"
"Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Thanks Rikki" Said Bella as she climbed onto the small stage where the rest of the band was waiting.

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