Emma reunites with Ash

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Emma swam to Mako. She needed to collect her thoughts after the whole Bella situation. She really lost her cool. She was ashamed. She felt completely alone, as if her friends had completely abandoned her. There was no one she could talk to, except... of course! Someone besides the girls who would be able to understand the situation.
Emma quickly went under the water and sped swam away from Mako to visit someone. She couldn't believe she forgot him, she was so excited to meet the girls that well... it slipped her mind.

Emma got to shore and quickly dried herself off. The second her legs returned she ran off to Ash's house. Since it was summer vacation she assumed Ash was back in town from college.
Emma arrived at the house and rang the bell, her heart beating from all that running. The door opened, revealing Ash behind it.
"Ash!" Emma exclaimed as they hugged. Emma had been in a long distance relationship with Ash during her trip around the world. Even though many people would say that's basically relationship suicide, Emma and Ash made it work (mostly due to Emma's perfect scheduling which worked around Ash's college schedule and Emma's constantly changing school schedule)
"Hey stranger!" Ash exclaimed happily. "You're back! When did you get here?"
"Yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't come to see you" Said Emma with a sad tone.
"It's ok. I know your merfriends are more important" Ash smiled.
"Yeah about that..." Emma sighed. "Can I come in?"

Emma sat down on the sofa with Ash.
"How's school?" Asked Emma.
"Good, boring, alright. You're going to join so we can go together right?" Ash asked with an enthusiastic tone.
"Of course, but you know I'm an ambitious girl. I've also applied to a few Ivy League schools and some schools nearby yours in case I don't get in" Said Emma.
"Ok we got the boring part out of the way. Tell me about your mermaid drama" Smiled Ash.
"How did you know?" Asked Emma.
"There's always drama. Tell me" Said Ash with a patient tone.
"While I was gone... Rikki and Cleo met another mermaid...  and they had all kind of adventures together without me. They replaced our lockets, Rikki opened a cafe and they even stopped a meteor from hitting Earth!" Emma cried. The meteor thing definitely hit close to home for her. "It feels like they don't care about me anymore. I've been replaced"
"Well..." Ash replied in a skeptical tone.
"What? Do you disagree?" Said Emma in an angry tone.
"No no of course I don't... it's just..."
Emma gave him an angry glare. Ash was her boyfriend. He was supposed to take her side.
"Look at it from their point of view. You left, they just so happened to meet a new mermaid and new mermaid drama popped up. What were they supposed to do? They inevitably had to get close" Said Ash in a patient tone.
"Look at it this way: You had so many more adventures with Rikki and Cleo. Now that you're here you get to have so many more and plus you have a new friend to do it with. Besides, I bet she feels the exact same way you do"
"She's threatened by me?" Asked Emma in a tired tone.
"Are you threatened by her?" Asked Ash.
"Yes! She's beautiful, she's taken my part, she's a singer. I'm just a boring, no nonsense, nerd to Rikki and Cleo"
"That's not true. You're a fellow mermaid, one of the original three. And they know that. You have to give Bella a chance. That will allow you to regain your friendship with them and make a new one" Said Ash embracing Emma with his arm.
"I guess you're right" Said Emma in a somewhat embarrassed tone. "I'll become Bella's friend"
Ash smiled at her kindly.
"Look at you" Said Emma. "College has made you so much wiser" Said Emma in a teasing tone as she kissed Ash.
"Well I guess I just felt... threatened by your intelligence" Ash chuckled.
"Shut up!" Said Emma in an angry tone as she playfully threw a magazine at him.
"I'm gonna make things right. Starting with becoming Bella's friend" Said Emma as she leaned on Ash's shoulder.

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