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A few weeks passed you were shopping with his mother after school. "Try this one on Y/n" you quickly try it on. "Oh my goodness it looks fabulous on you." She says and was happy knowing that you and Jin are officially together.

You and Jin told your families and they were happy for you two. Graduation was in a day you were upset you waited until the last minute so you were buying your outfit. Jin's mother was helping you and your mom would've too but she was working so she called Mrs. Kim to accompany you. So now you were trying many different clothes. Eventually, Jin finished buying his outfit with your father and they sat down waiting for you to come out. "How's Y/n?" Your dad asks and Mrs. Kim shows him the lots of pictures she has taken of you.

Jin finally sees you coming out and his mouth dropped you literally looked so pretty. "Oh my god!" His mom screams and stands up running to you. "This is the one" she holds your hand and makes you turn so you can show it off. "Doesn't it look amazing guys?" Your dad nods "You look so pretty, sweetheart. Let's get that one." He tells the young lady who helped you put on the dress that he'll buy everything you just tried on.

"Oh no, I'll pay for it she's my daughter-in-law after all." You laugh seeing them fighting walking over to the register. You quickly head back in and change into your clothes. Jin stands up as you come out. "Come on let's go." He says holding your hand. "Did my dad scare you off?"

"No, he didn't you know he loves me." You nod agreeing with him since everyone is happy that you two are together. You all head out to eat some food together before heading home. You were all having a good time when Jin's phone rings and he stops eating making everyone stop too.

"Oh my god I got in and it's a full ride." His mom screams and hugs him. You looked at your phone and you didn't get a notification or anything it was the last school you were waiting on. You were accepted to other universities but that was your main choice and the only one you cared about but clearly, you weren't theirs. You smile and hug Jin "Congratulations!" You say and he hugs you. After eating you all head home it was pretty quiet well in the back because your dad and his mom were talking in the front. You were looking out the window while Jin noticed you were down.

"Hey..." Jin whispered and you turn to face him "Yeah!" He holds your hand "You'll get accepted too okay there is still time. Don't be upset okay." You were so thankful he was very patient even though you are sometimes immature he's always trying to be positive which you admire and decided to change as well. "I'll try not too after all life goes on. Don't worry okay I'm not upset I also have a plan B and C in case anything happens." He gives you a thumbs up and you fall asleep on his shoulder and your dad sees you two and smiles.

You all get to Mrs. Kim's place and you wake up to see Jin asleep. You pat his leg and he just hums. "You two go on ahead I'll try to wake Jin up" you tell your father and his mom. They go in taking the groceries in and Jin's dad gets home too so he helps carry the things. You get out and go to Jin's side opening the door. "Hey Jin wake up!" You softly shake him then aggressively shake him when he doesn't wake up.

He wakes up startled and he looks at you making you gulp since his eyes were dark. Well, who wouldn't get mad if they're woken up from their sleep? "We are at your place you said not to get upset so now you don't get upset okay!" He finally wakes up seeing clearly and being alert. "I'm not upset..." he says but clearly you don't believe him and start taking a few steps back.

"Yah Jin you better not..." he gets out of the car and you run off around his backyard. "Jin stop!" He was chasing you literally running after you. You start laughing when he trips and all he does is scream making you laugh. His idea worked he was trying to cheer you up and it was working. He stands up and you continue running until he catches you and you both fall on the grass.

He lands on top of you making you slightly groan in pain along with him. "Jin you caught me okay." He helps you up and you both laugh. "Are you that scared of me that you ran so fast." You scoff "I'm not scared of you but the way you literally just chased me anyone would run away from a tall person chasing them." He just laughs making you cross your arms since you were out of breath you look up to the clouds not feeling well.

"Hey, Y/n are you okay?" He asks and you cover your mouth. All of a sudden you felt nauseous and ran inside to the bathroom. After you finished everyone was worried and you came out. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" You nod "Yeah it's just you know we ate food and then I started running so it makes sense."

Mrs. Kim pulled Jin to the kitchen and he stood there getting ready to get scolded since it was his fault. "Jin have you and Y/n been intimate?" He was quiet avoiding her eyes "Um...wait is she pregnant?" He looked so shocked "I don't know I have some pregnancy tests since I saw this coming." She leaves to go find them and he looks at you as you are talking to your dad. You looked pretty normal and your stomach was fine but then again if you were you wouldn't have a big stomach yet.

Mrs. Kim takes you to her room while Jin was watching a movie with your dad. "Here Y/n take this test." You do as she says entering her bathroom and you finally come out. You two were waiting "Is it possible to get pregnant so soon?" Mrs. Kim holds your hand "If you don't wear protection of course it is." The time was up and you both see the test and she hums. "Well, it was a false alarm. It's negative." You felt relieved but then again you wouldn't mind.

Your phone finally rings and you read it "Oh my...Mrs. Kim, I got accepted." You both cheer and she hugs you "Oh congratulations sweetie." You run to the living room and tell them the news and your mother arrives just in time so you all celebrate that night about you getting accepted the pregnancy was a false alarm.

The next day you got ready for graduation since school was now over. After the ceremony was over you and Jin threw your caps up just like your classmates. "I'll be with you until the end," Jin says hugging you and you kiss him. "I will be with you too. Jin we did it!"

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