CH 26

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Charlie was acting a lot more like herself. We had moved from the bathtub back to our bedroom. I couldn't keep my hands off of her. I normally couldn't anyway. But this felt like more.

She was mine. There was a legal document saying it. She had my ring on her finger showing the world. Man, I needed that.

"What are you thinking about?" She giggled, caressing my face. "You got so serious all of a sudden."

"You're mine." I told her before squeezing her rear.

"I know. It works both ways." She moved to lay more on top of me.

"Yeah, it does." I kissed her again.

She started grinding her body on me and I moved to hold her down. Man, she felt so good. "I can't wait until our honeymoon." She pulled away saying, "Just us."

"Yeah, I know. Are you sure you're okay with leaving your sister for that long?"

Her eyes got soft. Like really soft. "What?"

"Nothing, you care about her so much, Xavier. You don't understand how much that means to me."

I sat up with her, pulling her closer. "Maybe you don't understand what you mean to me." I told her. "What I'd do for you."

"I do." She smiled, leaning back in to kiss me.

I kissed her back, shifting her until she was on her back. Then, I fingered her a bit before slipping back inside my wife. "I just want to stay like this with you."

"You can." She started moving her hips, pulling me back down for another kiss.

It was close to midnight when we got cleaned up. We were both starving and I needed to take Henry out. He was used to Charlie by now and knew what our close bedroom door meant.

"We can grab some takeout after we walk him." I suggested, putting on my gym shoes.

Charlie was putting Henry's leash on. She looked good dressed in a pair of tight fitting stretch pants and a white crop top. Her hair was pulled back and she had taken off her makeup from before.

I loved her like this. This was just her. Man, she was so beautiful. "What?" She smiled, walking over to me. "You're staring."

"I know. You look good." I spanked her rear. "No wonder Micahs jealous and hates me. He doesn't get you like this. Only me."

Something flashed in her eyes before she covered it up. "Yeah, well,..." she trailed off and I wondered was that what was bothering her. Had he said something else to her? Why was that just now occurring to me to ask.

"Let's go. I'm hungry." She said quickly.

"Yeah, okay." I would ask her about it later. I didn't want to spoil the mood between us.

Charlie and I went to bed late. After the walk, we ate, made love a few more times before crashing. It was the best night of my life and I got to spend it with the woman I loved.

It was nearly one in the afternoon the next day when we started to actually move from our bedroom. I left food out for Henry before we went to bed. I was glad my dog hadn't moved and just slept in his dog bed in our bedroom.

"Looks like Henry's exhausted too." I rubbed his head. "Are you hungry, Henry?"

He whimpered before pushing me away with his nose. Then, he laid back down, closing his eyes. Charlie laughed, "I guess he told you, huh?" She teased.

"Yeah, he did." I smiled before rubbing his head again. "All right, just us."

"My favorite." Charlie said, walking to me. She lifted, kissing me. "He's probably still exhausted from earlier this morning."

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