6-Next year together

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↜(Y/N) Pov↝

Stirring the meat in the pan as best as I could, I tried my best to cook. I had burned myself twice already, but that's not what I'm concerned about. I'm more concerned about the way the dish looks. I mean, I would eat it, but I'm me.

"Okay, it's evaluation time." said Menchi, causing me to look up. "Oh no." I muttered out, continuing to work on my dish. I put some cool leafs I found around the meat, hoping to score some extra points.

"(Y/N), how are- Pfft-" I immediately turned around, my face flushing red as I said: "Killua! Don't laugh! It's my first ever try!" He held his stomach, bending over in order not to fall down. I glared at him, saying: "I am this close to punching you."

"I think it looks decent." noted Gon, approaching us. A smile appeared on my lips as I said: "Now that's a good friend right there! Thanks, Gon!" He returned my smile, saying: "Well, I'll go and present mine now." "Good luck."

Menchi let person after person fail, while Buhara let everyone pass. I stood in line with my dish, praying that she'll at least look at it. I've never cooked in my whole life. I just ate what I found. Or nothing at all, really.

Gon, Kurapia, and Leorio had all failed. And I was next in line. Hearing giggling from behind me, I turned to look at Killua, who would be after me. I pouted at him, saying: "I swear, if you pass and I don't, I'll punch you." He only grinned, causing me to look away.

I placed the plate down in front of the two examiners, saying: "It's, uhm, my first try at cooking." Menchi hummed, inspecting my dish. I had cut the pork into cubes. Mainly because it was fun to cut and I just couldn't help myself.

The leafs did make it look a bit better, but I can't really tell if it looks delicious or not. I'd eat anything to survive, to be honest. Did so before.

"Well, at least it looks creative." stated Menchi, taking a single cube and eating it. She then released a sigh, saying: "But the taste is..." I smiled a little, a bit proud of myself.

Glancing back at Killua, I said: "I just put the cubes in a pan and now they're like this." The examiner before me leaned back in her seat, saying: "It's bland, the texture is off, and you cut it too small. Besides, these leafs are poisonous. You fail."

"Not. A. Word." I threatened Killua, walking over to Gon and the other two. And just a few moments later, Killua joined us. "Didn't make it." he said nonchalantly, causing me to sigh. "None of us passed. Wait, did someone even pass? Anyone?" "I don't think so." answered Gon, looking around us.

It was then that Menchi announced: "No one passes. We're finished here!" "Huh. It's really over?" I asked, tilting my head a little. The man to our left, who was being disrespectful to Menchi and Buhara before, punched his kitchen-space, breaking it into pieces.

"I absolutely refuse to accept this!" he called out, to which Menchi said: "In the end, you've still failed." "Stop screwing around! You asked for pork, so we risked our lives to-" "I said to prepare the pork in a manner we both found delicious. None of you made anything remotely delicious."

With a disappointed voice, she said: "All of you basically did the same thing. There was no effort made... Just when I thought someone actually tried, they only changed the appearance. No one attempted to emphasize the flavor. I'm positive that none of you took cooking seriously!"

While she started beefing with some of the contestants, I asked: "Hey, Gon, have you ever cooked before?" "Hm? Yeah, I sometimes helped Mito-san out. And you?" "I've never cooked before. I just ate what I was given." I answered with a shrug.

We both turned to face Killua, who said: "Not really." "Well, let's absolve the Hunter Exam next year together! I really like you guys, so I wanna try again with you!" I suggested, looking at both of them. Gon smiled brightly, while Killua turned to look away from us, clearly embarrassed.

"That said, it would be excessive to fail every single applicant." said a voice belonging to an old man. Everyone looked up, where an airship was flying towards us, the Hunter Association symbol on its side.

Someone suddenly jumped down, landing in the middle of all of us. I had to cover my eyes from the dirt that was flying around, but as soon as it was letting up, I saw an old man standing there.

"Are you lost, Gramps?" I asked, to which he sent a smile my way. Menchi walked closer to him, saying: "The Chairman of the Selection Committee. He's in charge of the Hunter Exam... Chairman Netero."

She then glared at me, saying: "Not just some 'Gramps'." "Oops." I replied, a nervous smile on my lips as I stepped closer to Killua and Gon, not wanting to fight her. Not that I wouldn't stand a chance, I just didn't feel like it.

The old man, Netero, said: "Well, I work behind the scenes. I only take action when there's an issue, like now. So, Menchi..." "Yes?" "You failed all of the applicants because you disapproved of their reluctance to try new things?"

"No, sir. I lost my cool when one of the candidates insulted Gourmet Hunters. And I made the Exam harder than necessary." she said, lowering her head. Ah, so she knows? That's nice, I guess.

"In other words, you're aware that this exam was unacceptable." "Yes, sir. When cooking is involved, I lose control. I'm unqualified to be an examiner. I will resign as examiner, so please redo the Second Phase!"

Oh, a second chance. That's even better. "What are you smiling about?" I turned my head, looking at Killua, who was, for some reason, really close to me. Not paying that any mind, I answered: "Seems like we're getting another chance. We can continue the Exam together." He turned his head away once more, a light shade of red on his face as he said: "I guess so."

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