It's just a bad dream

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my baby,p-please Nezha!.”
The mother cried and screamed trying to keep Redson’s body cold body war whispering comforting words to him while the princess kissed his forhead.

“ I’m sorry but, there’s no way to heal the damage that’s being done to his body. There simply isn’t. If it were a problem of too much fire we could do something, but we can’t even give the samadhi fire back to him… I’m sorry.” Nezha said with a heavy heart.
DBK turned after taking in the news and proceeding to punch a nearby wall. A thought dawned on him.

“ You said you needed to talk to him alone … I have something I’d like to discuss to my wife.”
He knew she was hurting, but his eyes told her he had something drastic in mind. That he prefer the lotus prince not hear.
He gently placed a hand on her shoulder, beckoning her to come with him outside the room for a moment.

She comply,slowly standing up and whipping the tears off her face before follow the king outside of the room,she looked at the floor the whole time not wanting her husband to see her in such a state.

Once outside the room, he wiped the last remaining tears from her eyes. “ You don’t have to hold up appearances for me. This whole ordeal. It’s agonizing to even think about… but you know we have to consider it.” By that of course he meant the forbidden technique of reincarnation. The same one that Wukong and his mate had used. Only issue was, Red Son would be sworn against it.

“But,we dont know how they did it…,nobody knows the sage’s method on how he manage to put mk’s soul on they’re babies body….i-i dont want to lose my only child..i-i just cant…”
“ My love. We have to consider it. You know we do. It might be the only way… I swore to you I would always do everything for our family when I married you. And I will… “ He said with a heavy sigh before hugging his wife close. Tears spilling from the corners of his eyes. “ I couldn’t bare the thought of loosing either one of you.”
“W-what if the celestial realm finds out and tries to take him away?!”

She sobbed again coming up with any possibilities of they’re child being taken by the use of the forbidden recantation method.
“ They won’t. Not if it were to mean angering the Great Sage. Still, it may be helpful to ask…” he said turning your look at the door.

Inside the room. Nezha quietly talked with Red Son. His tone was firm yet calm. “ You are a fool Red Son, how could you act so recklessly?“
The Teen whimpered in pain slowly loving his head to the Lotus prince,he was in so much pain to even move his mouth and talk.

The princess silently nodded returning to the bedroom and rubbing Redson’s forehead bitting backa sob as her child winced at the warm touch.

Nezha looked at them both and sighed. “ The Jade Emperor has already approved its use once, I’m sure he can make an acceptation for another ally of the great Sage… I imagine that’s what you’re going to ask me.”

“Is it going to work as effective as the sage’s child?,how can we keep his soul like the sage’s did with Mk’s soul?”

She tilted her head carefully making small circles on her sons stomach,keep him warm for a few minutes as they talked.
“Is it going to work as effective as the sage’s child?,how can we keep his soul like the sage’s did with Mk’s soul?”

She tilted her head carefully making small circles on her sons stomach,keep him warm for a few minutes as they talked.

“ Transferring his soul into an object of meaning isn’t hard, but if the timing is done correctly he should be able to retain some of his important memories. Though they will only resurface in his later life.”

“ The rest will be entirely up to you, but if we succeed, he should return to you in a new body. Unlike MK who was born of new parents, Red Son should be almost entirely the same. You can’t expect nothing to change but he will still be the same.”
“O-okay…lets do it…”

The princess whispered smiling and giving her son a small hug,she was going to save him no matter what it takes.
Redson only hissed in pain closing his eyes to sleep on her mother’s chest snoring and mumbling under his breath.

“ When ?” Nezha asked with a heavy look on his face. He didn’t condone the use of the forbidden process, but it was different when the life was on the line. “When do you want to do it ?”
“As soon as possible.”
Her tone was now cold,looking over at the prince as she spoke.

“I want this to be as soon as possible.”
DBK nodded at the prince with a sigh. “ Agreed. We don’t want our child to suffer anymore then they already have.”

“ I need an object. Preferably one made of metal. Metal tends to house the soul better then other objects.” Nezha agreed as he started to move around the space.

“Would one of the samari rings work?,as its power is destroyed we could put his soul in there…”

She pointed at the ring hanging on the wall,after the whole incident the ring was keeped empty to honor they’re son’s power and show pride in it.
“ Yes. That will work perfectly. As his mother you will need to wear it close to your heart, so the soul will be more accepting and return to its true mother to be reborn once the rest of the pieces are in place I will only ask once more, for clarity’s sake, are you sure you want to do this? He has to be aware of what’s going to happen before we go any further. He won’t have any memory of it, but it most likely will upset him.”
“Im 100 perfect sure….i know ehats best for him…Hes too young to die form a foolish accident…”

She whimpered looking down at the already cold food that the child attempted to eat earlier.
“ Alright. I will prepare things then, allow me to give you three a moment…” he nods in understanding before giving Red Son a pink liquid. “ This will pause the effects long enough for us to take his soul out. I’m sorry it only works on the recipient for about 2 hours. “Once consumed, Red Som felt like he could speak again. He was still in pain but not as much as before.


Redson whisperer,he was very confused and concerned,what we’re they going to do with him?!,he didn’t understand!
“Shhh…everything will be alright my child,mother will save you…Everything will be okay…do you trust me?”

“Y-yea..” redson whimpered looking over at her father,small tears falling from his eyes as he looked around.,Was he going to die?..
“ You’re going to be just fine.” His father said as he laid a gentle hand on his bed. “ We have a solution …”

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