Home sweet home

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palace along with the materials to make it. There was no way around it. No matter how badly he wanted to avoid it.

Truly, this was going to suck. Thankfully he didn’t have to struggle. The red haired terra cotta monkey entered the space with a smile chirping happily. Looks like they finished setting it up. Thank gods for that.

The prince was still on the floor,huffing as he refused to leave,he had just gotten use to the castle and now he had to leave?!,what is this?!,plus he already planned a room for they’re cub,truly upsetting.

“ Hong Se says they’ve finished the theater room.”

This definitely caught the prince off suprise,his tail wagging rapidly excited but he refused to move,trying to get his tail to calm down,still wanting to stay.

“Im not g-going..”

“ Hmm ? What was that Hong Se ?  You found a fully functional puppet theatre ?”

Mihou bit his hip,closing his eyes looking away trying not to give into the king’s trap.,Hoping the king didn’t mention shadow plays crossing his fingers aswell.

“ A Shadow play theatre also ?” “ With different colored lights? How exciting. A shame that we don’t know anyone who knows how to run one.”Wukong said with a shrug.

“S-shadow play theatre?!”

He lost it,carefully standing up and placing his baby on the floor before starting jumping up and down tugging the king’s side.

“I-i can run it!,i can run it!”

“ But I thought you didn’t want to leave ? You said and I quote -“

“B-but!,theres a shadow plaaaaay!,you dont know how to run one!,its going to be such a waste!”

“ I suppose if that’s the case. Then I guess it would be alright. There are just so many rooms afterall.”

Mihou smiled carrying the toy back up,After many months he could finally act again,the prince’s fur was very much puffed up,making him look like a walking hairball with a hanfu on instead of a shadow monkey.

That was another thing. Wukong noticed that regular doses of the medicine seemed to result in his fur growing longer especially the fur close to his head. Usually he always had shorter fur then the Great Sage. Nowadays he had to regularly brush out his fur.

“Well?,when do we leave?,ooooh!,wheres my lamp?,I know i let someone borrow it where did i put it…”

Mihou walked away,looking for the shadow lamp unknown to him it was destroyed a while ago,The prince started to pack all the puppets he handcrafted aswell as storied he created for future plays holding his baby with his tail while he worked.

“ I’m not sure, but give me some time and I’ll find it no problem. In the meantime why don’t you tell me about the first play you’re going to do when we get home ?”

“Hmmmm…”The prince scratched his chin thinking around what play he would do,a idea popped up.

“The mayor showed me some human films a few months ago!,i can probably think of something from this one opera film!.”

Wukong was grateful for the distraction, he guided Mihou to their home listening to him carefully. “ Tell me more about it. It sounds very interesting.”

Mihou kicked the monkey before continuing to walk,looking for the king while his ears twitched,smiling as he heard wukong’s steps close by and basically ran towards the sage,ignoring Hong Se’s trilling noises.

He didn’t imagine to walk into the mess in the main hall. Stepping into something red and sticky. His Hanfu’s skirt thankfully short enough today that the stuff on the floor didn’t make it messy.

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