Little fun at the hot springs

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A few days later

the king and hiding his faintly red face on wukong’s chest as his tail wagged around,It was a known fact that the 6-eared macaque couldn’t take praising or compliments without becoming a flustered mess.

“ My little bunny is shy today.” He says joking while rubbing his back. Soothing him.

“No teasing!”

Mihou huffed,As he began to loudly purr,unknown to the king Mihou pulled the small jar of medicine from wukong’s bag as he hugged the king,sneekily putting it on the floor and carried it with his tail before breaking the hug.

“You know how my fur gets when you call me that wukooong..Now i have to fix it..”

Mihou left,Medicine jar hidden under his hanfu.
As Wukong left he wrinkled his nose at the smell. Wukong had avoided giving Mihou a bath for as long as he had to avoid upsetting him and getting used to wearing the Hanfu he chose. Now that he seemed a little more accepting Wukong decided that he needed a bath. The springs by his hut would be a good place.

The prince left to his room,Opening the jar and carefully grabbing a spoon,eating the substance on sponful,it was a new flavor making his coo at it as it wasn’t the normal mooncake filling taste instead a much sweeter cheesecake flavor,which made the shadow monkey consumed the whome thing.

He didn’t realize the extra sweetness came from rose and red ginseng and the extra thickness from a thicker red bean base. Or that it’s properties were much more intense.

Few hours passed fast,almost 9pm the palace seem rather quiet and calm until a strong smell suddenly invaded the palace and the area wukong and the workers were,A smell of freshly cut fruits and roses,The smell could only mean one thing,The poor shadow prince had accidentally started a heat by the use of the medicine he consumed.

Wukong had failed to notice at first finally sending off the last thing before picking up Mihou to go to the hut. Only to find the servants swarming close like curious bees.
All the servants were infront of Mihou’s door as it was the source of the strong smell,some of them were drooling while others trying to pick open the door.
He flicked his wrist, threatening to proof them back into terra cotta figures.

The servants immediately ran away in fear of the king,Leaving wukong alone with the smell,and the muffled sounds behind the prince’s door.
He opened the door, where the scent hit him like a brick wall. How was this even possible ?!

There he was,Mihou curled up on his nest,holding his stomach and making small stimulation over on his lower area,he looked over at the king chirping loudly at him,The prince’s face was completely red with some sweat dripping down aswell as drool.

He originally began to panic until he spotted the jar with red residue in the corner. Sun Wukong calmed down a bit before putting his hands on his hips. “ Liu er Mihou! What did I say before?”

The shadow monkey loudly gulped,as he reached over to wukong with a shaky hand,Whimpering and panting.

“ Come here now. I’ll take you somewhere we can deal with this Hmm?” Very carefully, the great gathered his prince into his arms.Mihou purred happily snuggling on the king’s chest using him as a support to stand up,Atleast the king didn’t yell at him so that was good.

“ You’re going to be in a great deal of trouble when this wears off. For now let’s take you to the hot springs, we’re going to stay in my hut for now.”

“B-but my nest…”Mihou whinned as he didn’t want to leave his small safe space behind and have to make a new one,Too much work and such for him to re-do.
“I dont want t-to leave me n-nest…”

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