Just a easy mistake to fix

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“Mk are you there My little Háizi?..”
Something akin to a yawn made itself known. MK’s voice returned after another long sleep.

“_Yeah I’m okay. I don’t know why but I’m always tired in here… no matter how much I sleep I’m always sleepy._”

“Soon you’ll be out sweet thing-“
He felt something snap on his mind before throwing the plushie to a wall looking around in distress,mihou,No,Macaque looked around before loudly growling alerting the king since his growl echoed through the empty palace.

He snapped his head in the direction of the sound and grimaced. Oh no. Not now. He was about to panic but remembered every single safety precaution he had in place. The palace had been made entirely secure.

The prince immediately began to stomp his way to the king’s location.Beyond angry,he was furious.

“Sun wukong.”

Arriving in the kitchen the pendant was nowhere to be found on his neck instead it was on his hand.

“You have 4 minutes to tell me what the Fuck you did to me before i hurt this..thing.”

He said, referring to the pendant,Wukong grimaced but stood his ground; he knew that if he gave Macaque any indication of what happened he’d act out.

“Speak dammit.”The prince growled,looking around for any way to get the king to talk.

“ I didn’t do anything to you. In fact you’ve been completely on your own for the past few days.”

“What was in that damn medicine.”The shadow prince asked,grabbing a nearby candle and placing the pendant on top of it,watching it glow bright in pain as the small mk inside it was being burned.” Tell me now.”

“ _Ahh! What’s going on! Everything hurts!_”

Macaque was suddenly hit with the screams of the boy inside, which for some reason flipped some kind of subconscious switch. Out of his control .

“_Mom are you out there?! Why does it hurt so much?!_”

Macaque bit his lip trying to ignore the small voice putting the candle closer to the flames though his body was physically shaking.

“ If you want to find out, go to the garden. Everything I use is there.” Wukong put his hands up. The candle couldn’t harm the gold but it hurt MK a great deal. He could only imagine. “ Just stop hurting him.”

“Take me there first.”
He snarled back still hearing the cries of the boy,eventually wukong could hear them aswell,it was obvious Mihou wanted to pull the pendant away from the candle not having control over his body.

“Hurry up.”

“ Okay just follow me. Just take him out of the fire.” Wukong said, trying to ignore the cries.
The prince smiled, moving the pendant away from the fire,before throwing it across the room causing it to now have a small dent.

“There,Now take me to the damn garden.”
Wukong picked up the pendant. The soul’s aura is still strong inside though clearly having experienced some pain.

“ Okay. We can go. Just follow me.” He led Macaque to the garden, slowly but not too slowly. Now not everything was in the garden, but if he could just buy some time until he could corner him. Where MK or himself wouldn’t be hurt. The garden was a huge natural looking area that had remained unchanged during construction. With a pond for Lotus. A tree after three budding with magnolias. A few plum trees with both blossoms and fruit hanging bountifully from the branches.And of course a quite few Camilla plants . Once in the garden though, Macaque was forced to relinquish control .
The prince fell on his knees in some pain covering his head experiencing some headache,his growls turned into sobs and gasps as Mihou got his control again slowly looking up at the king then at the pendant reaching for it.

Wukong held it away reflexively. “ Wait.” He quickly shuffled to get a proper dose of medicine before giving it to him. Thank goodness he still had some on him.

“M-my baby..g-give me my baby..n-no i'm sorry please give him back!”
Mihou moved the medicine aside still trying to reach for the pendant noticing the dent and some burning where the candle was.

Did… did he do that ?..

“Can we go to the city?..,Please?..”
The demon prince asked,While waiting for his mango to the sliced,Its been god knows how old since he talked to someone who wasn’t the king,monkeys were social creatures so we of course wanted to socialize more.

“B-but,you get to leave all the time,why can’t I leave?…”
He tilted his head,eating his mango slices while his tail moved low behind him.
“ I only leave right now to get supplies and protect the city. I stay here and watch over you mostly still.”

“C-could i at least go outside of the palace to explore?..please?”
That wasn’t necessary. Not yet anyways, he led Mihou to a nearby viewing area where he saw how big the palace grounds really were. He only stayed in a small part of it during his time alone.

It became obvious his little prince just wanted to socialize,finding any excuse to be let out to make new friends,Still shaking from the incident that happened in the morning.
He wanted to give him friends but he couldn’t trust anyone yet. Wukong nuzzled his partner’s fur and soothed the best he could.

“What about my powers?,can i have those back?,please?…only a few!…just..so i can entertain myself..”

“ Mihou you could always use your powers. Not teleportation or anything. But your shadows, transformation, you could always do it.”

“…but the palace is huge…sure i can use my shadow teleportation to travel around no?…”
He gave the king puppy dog eyes,and a cute face to try and convince him.He had a second plan up his sleeve as well.

“ Two days. Once you take your medication for two days.” “ Then I’ll let down the words a little.”

“Two days..okay..easy!”
Mihou smiled,not noticing he accidentally released several clones and were now just casually walking around the palace.

Yeah. Maybe not as easy as they thought.

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