A spoonful of sugar

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The prince slowly woke up,his eyes sore from his previous cries,Slowly sitting on the bed stretching,He looked confused for a second as he was still getting used to being in the palace instead of his cave.

There was something else too. Something far more noticeable. He could see everything very clearly now. Before he often struggled to observe his surroundings given his one bad eye. It should have been impossible, the damage done to his eye was too great for even for the strongest medicines.

The prince let out a startled yelp touching his “blind” eye being able to see his eye,he panicked searching for a mirror to look at his face.

“No,No,No how?!,…Wukong!!,What did you do to my eye?!.”
The prince screamed out to the sage as he was having a hard time adjusting his eye to the light at its surroundings.

He stepped out of the room, using his hands as a guide to navigate the massive halls. He could hear Wukong in the kitchen and the warm smell of food drawing him in close. It reminded him of the meals the two had eaten back when they still traveled together. Long long before he was sealed away under the mountain.

“What did you do to my damn eye?,Why is it so bright in here augh!”

The prince complained,Rubbing his eyes as the light was hurting his new vision,But the smell of the food immediately made his mouth water,whimpering at the font memory…

“ I have you a pill that I got from the celestial realm. It’s used to heal injuries such as scars and damaged organs. Like your eye for example. If you look in the mirror you’ll see some of your other scars are healed as well.” He never looked away from the pot he was stirring. Maintaining his focus.

“Wh..I didn’t ask you to heal me!”
Macaque shouted walking to a near by mirror to confirm his scars were long gone and his eye was healed aswell,he let out a sigh.

“There’s something called consent you should maybe try it.”
He complained still looking at the mirror.

He admired his restored appearance in the mirror. Macaque looked like his old self again, back when the two were still together. He had missed having his vision but it came back so what unexpectedly so he was mad at him for that.

Wukong set a bowl on the counter nearby for Macaque which he played very carefully. It was freshly made Congee, with quail eggs and greens. His absolute favorite. There was only one little human restaurant that ever made it the way he liked.

Macaque sat down as soon as the food was placed,he began to carefully eat as he didn’t want to get the clothes dirty,The prince looked way more skinnier than before many years ago as he didn’t eat often do to the little resources he had food wise,A Small tear fell from his cheek as he enjoyed the delicious meal.

Wukong’s eventually say down with his own plate. It didn’t look as spectacular as Macaque’s did but it was still good.

But he seemed in a better mood today. Almost smiling but not quite. Once the king had finished his heal he returned with a small portion of the paste from yesterday. Intending to feed it to him again.
The prince looked puzzled,confused as why he was given the paste raising a eyebrow at the king,while he drank some of the water on his cup.

“Why do i need it?,im perfectly fine.”

“ You’re fine because you had it yesterday. It’s just precaution. He said mixing it a little before being the spoon up to Macaque. “Open.”

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