32| Morning Confusion

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Jisung woke up the next morning with a faint headache, he squinted his eyes open before groaning. He let them fall closed again. He still felt so sleepy, not to mention warm and comfortable. But the sun was peeking through the curtains and annoying him. He moved his arm to try and hide his face under the blankets only for him to feel something strange close to him. 

Jisung furrowed his brow in confusion before forcing his eyes open again. He blinked and looked around at the unfamiliar room and decor. His stomach churned as a sense of deju vu hit him. Then he suddenly jolted into a sitting position, which successfully pushed something rather heavy off of the bed and onto the floor.

He looked over the edge and his eyes widened.

"Hyung?" he muttered.

Minho was on the floor, groaning as he tried to recover from the fall.

"You're awake?" he said, though his voice was strained as his arm and leg ached in pain. He slowly pushed himself up, the pillow that tumbled with him having saved his ribs from the same fate as his limbs. He scooted back and rested against the wall as he looked up at Jisung. "What are you thinking?" Minho asked, watching Jisung's micro-expressions in amusement.

"Did we sleep together again?"

The question made Minho laugh at Jisung's panicked mind, but to ease his worries he quickly shook his head.

"Then why... " Jisung started before glancing around. "Where are we?"

"Our house," Minho replied. "We didn't sleep together in that sense, Hannie, but we did sleep on the same bed together."

"Why?" Jisung blurted out

He didn't remember too much passed dancing with Minho and drinking with the investors for a third time that night.

"You went to the bathroom last night and came back drunk. I found you in the hallway," Minho explained. "When you saw me, you hugged me and wouldn't let go. Trust me, more than one person tried."

"Oh, god... " Jisung muttered in horror. He clutched the side of his head and winced slightly. The headache was still there as he ruffled his messy bedhead in frustration. Minho laughed and Jisung's head snapped to him, their eyes locking. "Did my... Did my parents see- "

"No, you're safe," Minho reassured. "We stayed in the hallway. Your cousin saw you though and Felix helped cover for you with your parents."

"My cousin saw me?" Jisung's eyes widened even more. "Min Yoongi saw me drunk and... you and me... "

"He saw you hugging me like your favorite plushie," Minho nodded.

Jisung made a face, an expression that showed he was dead and he knew that.

"It's over... Yoongi hyung's gonna murder me."

"He didn't look like he was going to murder you, he looked pretty calm," Minho said.

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