24| Hiding The Truth

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Jisung sat in the coffee shop his sunshine twin worked at, well, technically he owned it but their parents didn't know that. They thought Felix was just a part-time worker. It was Blueprint Café, a small rented space just three blocks away from Jisung and Felix's apartment. Which was another thing their parents were clueless about, where their children lived.

Jisung traced the rim of the coffee cup in front of him. He was waiting patiently but anxiously, shaking his leg out of a bad habit. It was something he unknowingly did whenever he was overthinking, stressed, or lost in his head.

His father was already on his flight home.

It was time to face the music and pray his father hadn't caught up to the rhythm of the melody yet. Meaning, that he hoped his little big secret between him and Minho remained just that, a secret. Praying to every god and deity out there that it didn't accidentally get back to his father somehow. His mother hadn't said a word and she'd be the first so he was pretty confident Mr. and Mrs. Han knew nothing.

But there was still 0.0000000001% that the universe was waiting just to fuck Jisung up like some practical joke.

He was on edge.

And other than that, Minho had asked to meet up at the last minute. Which alone made Jisung a little nervous. It wasn't meeting him, seeing him, or spending time with him that worried Jisung. They'd spend a good amount of time together already. They were almost friends friends comfortable with one another. No, it was the way Minho said 'Meet me before your dad comes home. I want to give you something.' 

What the hell did that mean??!

Was it miraculously divorce papers??

Wouldn't that be nice, he thought.

"Hey, Hannie!"

Jisung was startled, his hand almost flipping the coffee cup in his grip. It made him thankful that he'd already downed the coffee ten minutes ago. He looked up and found Minho walking up to him, his dazzling smile still perfectly in place and nonchalant as always.

"H-Hey," Jisung said, clasping his hands to calm down. "Hyung, why did you want to see me?"

"I wanted to give you something," Minho replied, like it was obvious.

"I know, you already said that over text," Jisung reminded the older, watching as Minho took a seat opposite him.

"My parents came back early," Minho informed.

Jisung eye's widened.

"And? Bad news?"

Minho shook his head, only managing to confuse Jisung.

"When is your father supposed to be back?"

"Uh, I don't know... later today, maybe? Early tomorrow morning? He left the States a couple of hours ago and he's on a private plane," Jisung explained.

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