11| Running Away

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"I can't believe I'm forced to collaborate with our rival company because of you."

"You love me."

"You irritate me."

Minho grinned as he playfully bickered with a very unhappy Jin. It took begging and pleading and the reminder that their parents were coming home in two weeks' time for his big brother to cave in and agree. And thanks to a lot of connections that Jin gained over the years, they had a meeting with the CEO himself. Something that Minho found out was virtually impossible to get.

So here they were at Han Corp.

The elevator doors opened and the two stepped inside. Minho took his sunglasses off and pocketed them in his blazer. He had a formal black suit and tie on for the meeting but if it weren't for Jin's hour-long scolding, Minho would've legit shown up in only a t-shirt, jeans, and combat boots. He hated formal wear. Hated it so much that at this very second he was tugging and fiddling with his tie in annoyance.

"Stop it! You're messing the look up!" Jin whisper-shouted and smacked Minho's hands away.

"It's uncomfortable hyung," he whined.

"Deal with it," Jin rolled his eyes. "I had to swallow my pride for this crap so the least you can do is wear an outfit that doesn't make you look like a broke-ass bachelor."

"I take offense to that," Minho pretended to grab his heart.

"The truth hurts, little brother."

They arrived at the office floor and the elevator doors slid open.

They took three steps into the hallway before they were greeted by a girl with long red hair and unmistakable feline features, mainly her cat eyes. She was beautiful but the sharp expression she wore made her seem unapproachable and a little cold. She then smiled politely at them in greeting and the first impression was lost. There was a warmness about her but also a 'don't fuck with me' kind of vibe.

"Kim Seokjin, it's nice to meet you. I'm Hwang Yeji," the girl introduced herself. She held her hand out and Jin shook it with a nod. He just wasn't expecting the strength she used. "I'm Mr. Han's secretary. He should be here in the next couple of minutes for your meeting."

"Thank you, Miss Hwang," Jin said. 

He glanced behind him at his little brother, cocking his head to the side before silently telling Minho to stop hiding behind him. Minho only stared back at him in feigned confusion.

Jin sighed.

"This is my younger brother, Lee Minho. He'll be attending the meeting with me," he explained to Yeji.

"Of course, it's no problem. It's nice to meet you in person Mr. Lee," she said and offered Minho another one of her polite smiles. "If you two want I can take you to the meeting room so long."

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