13| Found And Cornered

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"You fucked up."

"Yes, thank you for the reminder, Hyun."

Jisung let himself have a good twenty-minute mental breakdown after the phone call telling him he now owned a house. A house. He couldn't believe it. How was he still discovering and paying for the consequences of that night? From buying rings to taking wedding photos and now to owning a house together. 

It was ridiculous what he got up to while drunk.

Normal people slept their drunkness off, made fools of themselves, or maybe if they were really stupid they'd end up in someone else's bed. But no, Jisung had to go to the extremes and marry someone. Even starting a whole damn life with them with photographic evidence in a span of only three or four hours.

How the hell did his intoxicated mind work??

And so here he stood staring at the front door to this new house. His new house, the size of four studio apartments and a porch, and though it was in his name legally he hadn't paid a dime for it. Hyunjin stood next to him and the two took in the unbelievable sight together.

"Well, look on the bright side."

"What bright side?" Jisung whined. "Where's the fucking bright side? Because all I see is a dark cloud of doom. No silver linings either but maybe if I'm lucky a bolt of lightning will come down and hit me."

"It's too sunny for that," Hyunjin dismissed.

Jisung looked up at the sky. Hyunjin was right. It was too much of a good day for a storm to suddenly appear out of nowhere. And that made Jisung sigh with a pout.

"What great luck I've got," he sarcastically remarked.

Hyunjin only shook his head.

"I meant, look on the bright side. You've always wanted a place at the beach," he reminded his best friend. "I know it's not exactly how you wanted it to happen, but... shit happens. Mere technicalities, you know."

"Where's a black hole when you need one?" Jisung muttered.

Hyunjin pretended not to hear him and locked their arms together. Dragging Jisung inside the larger-than-life house that he obviously didn't remember buying. Jisung tripped on the threshold but thankfully Hyunjin hadn't let go of him yet. They paused in the middle of the hallway and glanced around.

"Let's explore!" Hyunjin grinned playfully.

"Let's not," Jisung sighed.

He watched as Hyunjin left his side and ran up the spiral staircase to their right. He looked so enthusiastic like a little kid in a candy shop whose mother said he could pick anything he wanted. Jisung, on the other hand, was lost on what to do next. He didn't care about exploring and finding out where the kitchen, living room, or dining room was or even if there was a study or gaming room somewhere in this mansion.

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