07| Wedding Photos

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Jisung didn't bother going to work the next day. He wasn't mentally prepared for anything more than sleep, food, a shower, and more sleep. He needed some time. Just a day or two to get his head together. His heart needed healing too but that was a different story.

"So you're married, huh?"

Jisung lifted his head from the comfort of his pillows. Hyunjin was leaning against his bedroom doorframe. On one hand, he couldn't have been happier to see his best friend but on the other hand, he was still pissed off with Hyunjin for letting him get into this shit.

"Felix tells you everything, doesn't he?" Jisung grumbled.

"We're all friends, aren't we?" Hyunjin rhetorically asked.

"Are we?" Jisung scoffed. "Because last time I checked friends don't let friends get drunkenly married to a stranger!"

Hyunjin's eyes widened at the accusation.

"Oh, don't you even think of putting the blame on me, Sungie Bee," he warned. He pushed himself away from the doorframe and walked inside the room. "I wasn't the one who was basically grinding a stranger in the middle of the dance floor!"

"Well, why didn't you stop me?!" Jisung stared at him in disbelief.

"Because you were drunk, you'd just had your heart broken, and you didn't see your face, okay? You were having so much fun. You looked so happy that I thought as a good best friend I shouldn't take that away from you," Hyunjin stated. "I was going to let you have your moment and then drag your intoxicated ass back home. I went to the bathroom, Jisung-ah! The fucking bathroom for one goddamn minute and you were gone! Nowhere to be seen! Not even the bouncer saw you leave! Do you know how long I looked for you?! I was going out of my fucking mind until Felix texted me yesterday."

Jisung didn't actually care about the explanation. He was just frustrated. He still couldn't believe the level of idiocy his drunk ass was capable of when left unsupervised. Of course, it wasn't Hyunjin's fault. It wasn't anybody's fault but his own but he needed to vent and his best friend knew that.

"Hyun... I fucked up," Jisung looked at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin's expression softened as he fell down on the bed beside Jisung. He moved the blankets and shifted the pillows before without warning Jisung latched onto him. He wrapped an arm around Hyunjin's torso as his head fell into the blonde's lap.

"I'm dead if my parents find out," Jisung muttered. "It already killed them that Lix and I refused to follow in their footsteps when it came to the family business. And if they find out that I got out of a relationship and into a marriage on the same day... not even to the same person... Shit, I'll be drop-kicked like a soccer ball."

Hyunjin played with Jisung's hair to calm him down.

"Just think of it as another piece of information you're keeping from them to make your life easier," Hyunjin suggested. "They don't know about this apartment, they don't know about your job, and they also don't need to know about your husband."

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