04| Shocking Surprise

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Waking up from an uncomfortable position on a couch, Minho groaned in pain. His head was throbbing and his muscles ached. He squinted his eyes open to see a faint ray of sunshine peeking through a set of blinds. He blinked in confusion before sitting up and taking in his surroundings properly. He wasn't at home that was for sure.

I didn't drink that much, did I?

What happened last night?

The last thing Minho remembered was going to a club and having a few drinks. He was letting loose for the first time in a few weeks but he didn't think this was how he'd end up. In some unknown place with absolutely no memories of the night before. Though he registered he was in a hotel room when he saw the key card lying on the coffee table in front of him.

What was he doing here? 

And why didn't he have a shirt on??

Shit, what did you get yourself into this time, Minho?!

He looked around like that would give him the answer. Slowly he got to his feet and that's when he heard a faint sound coming from the left of him. He froze when he saw someone asleep in the king-size bed. It wasn't like this was Minho's first time waking up like this. He wasn't exactly a stranger to having a one-night stand occasionally but usually, he remembered them. He wasn't even sure if he had a one-night stand with this person or not only that this person was wearing Minho's shirt. 

He tried to remember something from last night... 




Minho took a step closer to the bed just as the person turned from their side onto their back. They were still fast asleep and snoring lightly. He noticed it was a boy with short brunette hair and puffy cheeks. He reminded Minho of a squirrel. Cute and innocent. And that's when a few images of last night came flashing through Minho's mind.

He remembered trying to leave the club he went to but someone bumped into him. Someone wouldn't leave him alone and started to dance with him. This brunette boy was that someone. Minho was surprised he let that happen. He must've been really drunk at the time or maybe this boy was interesting to him.

But he didn't sleep with him, did he?

"I don't think I did..." Minho murmured to himself with his head tilted to the side.

He didn't want to wake this stranger up. As adorable as the boy looked and probably acted toward Minho last night how awkward would it be for them if he woke up right now? Minho quickly gathered his phone and the hotel key card from the coffee table. He slipped his jacket on over his shoulders and zipped it up. He wasn't too attached to his shirt and even if he was it wasn't like he was going to ask for it back.

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