Weed, Swings, and Candid Conversations

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June 25th.
Tilman park

It's been a minute since that encounter with King's brother, and even though there's a lingering tension about it, King assured me he's got it under control. Right now, we're at this massive community picnic, a joint effort by local black businesses, ironically aimed at putting a stop to the violence in our neighborhood. The park is buzzing with vendors peddling everything from art to clothes and food. There's a stage where a DJ is currently MCing a kids' dance competition, food trucks, face painting, and jumpers scattered all around.

I'm sitting on the metal bleachers with Kai and Amber, our hands gripping vibrant icees. We just got back from the stand, and as we settle in, we find ourselves in a sea of spectators, cheering for the ongoing 3v3 basketball tournament. King's out there dominating, showcasing his skills on the court. Meanwhile, Amber, in her usual carefree manner, takes a seat in my lap, devouring her blue raspberry icee, and occasionally feeding me some, despite the fact that I've got my own cherry-flavored one.

Kai and I still aren't back to normal. The air between us holds a politeness, but I can't shake the feeling that both Kai and I are holding back. The festivities continues around us, but under the surface, there's a silent understanding that some things need addressing, no matter how lively the scene may be.

Kai casually announces, "I'ma grab some food. Be back in a bit."

Amber quickly chimes in, "I'ma come wit you, Kai."

As the girls head off, they tell me they'll be back soon. My attention, however, is laser-focused on the basketball court, where King is showcasing his skills. His moves are a dance, each dribble a note in a rhythm only he understands.

The crowd roars as King expertly maneuvers past an older, slightly larger opponent. He crosses him, a swift sprint towards the hoop, and then, with a breathtaking leap, he dunks the ball. The excitement ripples through the spectators.

King's eyes scan the crowd, and when he finds me, a smile lights up his face. I return it with a look of sheer adoration. He smirks, a bit shyly, and I can't help but feel a surge of pride. Having never seen him play before; he's out there owning the court, and it's a sight to see.

As the basketball game continues, the rhythmic sounds of dribbling and cheering surround me when my phone buzzes with Serenity's call. Answering, I struggle to hear her over the background noise.

"Serenity?" I ask, holding the phone close to my ear.

Her voice comes through, slightly distorted by the commotion. "Hey, Rei! Where you at? I just made it to the park."

I glance around, taking in the scene. "I'm at the courts," I reply, trying to make myself heard over the noise.

"Oh, pefect. I'm on my way," she says before we hang up.

The truth is, Serenity had slid into my DMs, and we hit it off, moving from messages to phone calls. King, being King, was aware of it, having been right next to me multiple times when Serenity and I were deep in conversation. Serenity had shared that she identified as pansexual, and her free spirit intrigued me.

Serenity finally arrives, and I notice her in an oversized cream-colored Essentials tee with brown writing. She pairs it with brown sweat shorts and  cream, brown, and white high-top dunks. Her red eyes hint at a recent smoke session, and the sweet fragrance of her perfume blends with the pungent smell of weed. She hands me a cup of chopped fruit covered in lime and Tajin as she takes a seat next to me.

"Try some, Rei," she offers, her eyes sparkling with a high-induced goofiness.

I take a bite of the pineapple she's offering, and the sweet and tangy flavor bursts in my mouth. As we munch on the fruit, our attention shifts back to the intense basketball game on the court.

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