I wanna choose this, choose us

484 26 33

June 18th.

The night air is cool when King pulls up to my house around 8 pm, the engine humming loudly. I'm holding a box of Crumbl cookies we picked up on a last-minute munchie run after our beach day. The scent of the cookies fills the car, a sweet and comforting aroma that blends with the night air.

King glances at me, concern etched on his face. "You good, Rei?" he asks, his eyes searching for any sign of discomfort.

I nod, offering him a soft smile. "Yeah, just lost in thought."

He reaches over and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, a silent gesture that speaks volumes. The protective energy he's been giving off makes me feel strangely safe, a feeling I'm still getting used to.

Looking out the window, I can see my sister's car parked next to her boyfriend's.I stare at their cars, contemplating the level of engagement I'll be forced into.

King interrupts my thoughts, his voice breaking through the silence. "You feelin' better?"

I glance at him, the dim light of the street lamp casting a warm glow on his features. "Yeah, I do. Thanks fo' the cookies," I reply, holding up the box.

King chuckles, a deep sound that resonates in the confined space of the car. "No problem. I just want you to be happy again"

His words hit me differently, and I can't help but smile at the sincerity in his voice. There's a warmth in his gaze that lingers as he looks at me, and I can feel a connection growing stronger between us.

He parks the car, and we sit there for a moment in comfortable silence. Then, he turns to me, his light eyes turn serious. "You gonna be okay fo' the night?"

I shrug, uncertainty clouding my thoughts. "I been havin trouble sleepin'," I admit, my gaze dropping to my lap.

King nods, understanding flickering in his eyes. "You need me to stay witchu?"

His offer catches me off guard, and I look up at him. "You sure? I mean, you ain't got to."

King's expression softens, and he reaches out, cupping my cheek gently. "If it helps you, I'm stayin'. I wanna make sure you good,"

I lean into his touch, feeling a surge of gratitude. "I appreciate that," I admit, the vulnerability hanging in the air.

As we exit the car and head towards the front door, I notice King glancing at the other cars in the driveway. His protective stance remains, and it's as if he's silently reassuring me that he's here and as long as he's here, I'm good.

Once inside, the familiar scent of home welcomes me, mingling with the aroma of the Crumbl cookies. King follows close behind me into the house, and I catch a glimpse of my sister and her boyfriend in the living room.

The cool blue glow of the living room revealed my sister Sierra and her boyfriend lounging on the couch, engrossed in a movie. Sierra looked up, her eyes lighting up with a mixture of surprise and relief.

"Hey, you back early," she greeted, giving King a thankful glance.

King nodded, a small smile playing on his lips, and her boyfriend offered a silent acknowledgement with a only nod.

"Movie night," Sierra explained, gesturing toward the TV.

"Got it," I replied, my eyes quickly scanning the room, then leading King upstairs.

Once in my room, I turned to King, my eyes expressing a mix of gratitude and relief. "I'ma need another shower but you cuh go first. You cuh wear some of my clothes."

Love, Summer(boyxboy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon