Summer Reigns

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Note: The city that they live in is made up and not a real place. It is in California but everything about it is made up from my imagination. The dialect will be written how I hear my characters accents in my head. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.

Friday May 19th

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Friday May 19th

Camville, Ca

Living in this tiny-ass town felt like straddling two totally different universes, split right down the middle by one unforgiving highway. On one side, you got this gritty, weathered neighborhood sprawling out, streets scarred by the grind of life. Cracked homes and beat-up projects stood as witnesses to the daily battles for survival in the streets, where life was one long struggle.

Flip to the other side of that ruthless divide, and you got yourself a middle-class paradise, a place where pristine houses and perfectly manicured lawns scream stability and luxury. Families taking leisurely walks on tree-lined streets, kids playing in parks that look like they're straight outta a magazine, and an aura of security chilling in the air.

But what makes this tiny town truly outta this world, and kinda surreal, are the marijuana farms that surround it. Fields of green plants stretch as far as the eye can see, and you can smell that familiar, intoxicating aroma everywhere. The cannabis industry had brought new riches and change to this unexpected area.

Every day, that highway acts like a bridge between these two different sides, a constant reminder of the wild contrast in lifestyles and fortunes. It's a town where living on the edge and living in comfort do a delicate dance, all while that scent of opportunity and rebellion hangs in the air, courtesy of those surrounding fields of green.

Four months ago, my whole life changed, and I ended up crashing at my sister's place in Camville. It wasn't a choice, it was a means to an end. My folks made it loud and clear that I was persona non grata under their roof.

Camville, a place I never even dreamt of being in, became my hideout. I came back here not knowing shit about what the future held in this foreign-yet-familiar place. The streets were some-what familiar, and the faces were a mix of strangers and family, but there was something in the air, a sense of freedom.

This wasn't part of my grand life plan, but here I am today. In the midst of this crazy-ass ride, I've learned that sometimes, the most important chapters in our lives pop up when you least expect 'em. And I'm dead set on making the most outta this.

The gray light sneaking through the curtains had a calm, serene vibe, giving the room a laid-back glow. Raindrops tapped on the window in a steady rhythm, providing the backdrop to my quiet smoke session. Lost in my thoughts, I watched the sweet-smelling smoke curl and twist in the air, just like my contemplative thoughts.

"You ready?" Sierra's voice casts a warm shadow in the doorway. Her question snaps me back to reality, and I shift my gaze to her.

"Yeah, lemme finish this," I reply, reluctantly setting down the source of my morning routine.

Love, Summer(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now