She found double meaning to his comment and with her hands on her hips, she looked him up and down before offering him back that smile he found himself head over heels for.

"I did get a good catch, didn't I?"


Nadia didn't want to fuss being deprived of food for the past two days and all, but the fish they caught weren't very good. In fact, she'd go as far as to say it was the worst, most disgusting thing she's ever tasted. And the smell was worse.

How Finnick bit into the raw, pink meat without so much as a grimace was beyond her. The slimy texture and chewy consistency made her want to vomit.

"You normally cook these, right?" Nadia asked Finnick, his head turning to find her staring straight down at her half eaten fish.

He snickered and shook his head, taking another bite before replying. "It depends what you make."

"For future reference, I don't like raw fish." Nadia said and cautiously it seemed, she took another bite.

"Duly noted."

They'd just about managed to gulp down the rest of their fish when a feminine scream sounded in the distance, perking all four sets of ears.

"That's new." Peeta muttered as they all got back to their feet.

Nadia grabbed a knife from her sheath just in case as she looked out across the water and on the other side of the arena was a giant wave that poured in through only one single section.

It came rolling out of the jungle and a canon followed shortly after, the water hitting the cornucopia. But where Nadia figured it'd flood and seep through the structure, it instead was blocked by an invisible barrier.

Her features scrunched up as all four of them stared at the wave, watching closely as the water then spilled and spread.

They backed up a few feet as the water hit their ankles, the group concerned it could've been like the poisonous fog they encountered. Luckily it seemed to be ordinary sea water.

Nadia calmed as the water leveled out and the aircraft flew in to pick up the body. Her relief was quickly overshadowed with caution as Katniss whipped her head to the right having spotted somebody.

"Someone's here." She said, crouching down with her bow drawn and ready.

Nadia peeked out a little from beside Finnick to see who the intruders were. She looked over the few people exiting the jungle with red staining their bodies head-to-toe, her head tilting in recognition.

She felt a pang of relief as she noticed who exactly it was, a smile finding her lips as she stepped out of their little hiding spot.

Finnick caught her arm before she could reveal herself to them, the man giving her a look like she'd lost her mind.

"No, look." Nadia urged, gesturing to the group of four across the beach that consisted of Apollo, Johanna, Beetee and Wiress.

"Johanna?" Finnick muttered, doing a double take to ensure he was seeing correctly.

"Johanna!" Nadia started jogging towards them, waving her arms with a wide smile across her face. "Apollo!"

"Nadia!" Johanna yelled back with a small bit of excitement as Finnick was quick to catch up with her.

Nadia slowed once she was in reach of them, colliding with Johanna in the tightest hug they'd only ever received from each other. It was the type of hug where you'd have to try hard to stay on your feet because of how excited they were to see each other, the women swaying back and forth, exchanging a few laughs as they did.

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