Chapter 22

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While I was in the room packing my stuff, Alex walked into the room and closed the door. I didn't make eye contact because I knew I would want to punch the shit out of him.

"Leah, let me explain," he said as he tried to grab my arm.

"Don't touch me. I don't want to be around you," I said, my voice cracking with tears.

"Leah, I didn't mean to kiss her!" Alex said, attempting to hug me.

"Oh, so you just accidentally kissed a girl out of nowhere! I thought you cared about our relationship, but it turns out you don't! You know what? Don't even look at me. In fact, don't breathe the same air as me!" I said. I didn't even think about what I said in that moment.

After I finished packing my stuff, I put everything in the car while Alex was still trying to talk to me. I ignored him because I was really fed up with him. I had gotten so attached to him, and Alex knows I'm attached to him. I got into Mary Margaret's car and locked the door behind me, waiting for her to get in and start driving. I decided to live with her because her mother is my second mother. I played sad music and just cried, not listening to Alex trying to open the door. Mary Margaret begin to drive home.

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