Chapter 2

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Onii Chan: Older brother in Japanese lil Blue likes to use this for Dex.

Ane Chan:Older sister in Japanese lil Blue likes to use this for Haphe.

Secondary alexithymia: not being able to understand feelings or properly express feelings because of a trauma that has happened.

Bipolar 2: similar to bipolar one but less intense manic episodes (energy rushes that can last about a week at least) and more intense depressive episodes. Based on our resources psychosis (a loss sense of reality) is not as extreme or common with people dealing with bipolar 2 than people with bipolar 1. (In Blue's case she tends to have particularly severe psychosis and can't tell what's real or a dream so sometimes he'll do something and not know if she actually did it.)

Little Space: A way of coping with trauma by entering a child like mindset and acts and needs to be treated like a child whenever they go into that mindset. Sometimes a little will remember their time in little space and sometimes they don't, some littles even refer to lil them as a different personality to their big self. Not a kink.

Little: A person who has a little space.

Lil Me: Most often used when referring to yourself while in little space. Other people can do that too by adding the person's name instead of 'me' for example Lil Blue. It's not always used but sometimes it makes the little feel appreciated when you call them a different name depending on the type of little space a person had. Or at least Lil Blue likes it.

Big me: A common name littles use for their older mindset self. Others can also use it by saying Big You to the person.

Care Giver (GC): A person who takes care of someone while they're in little space, can be an older sibling figure, parental figure or even just best friend. It's ideal for a little to have a carer because when they don't it can make lil them a bit lonely or they could do reckless things and get hurt. They do act like literal children, so they need to be supervised like children.


After about 30 minutes we attracted the ghosts' attentions. Haphe and Dex started a playful fight and XChara came to tell them to shut up. It'd funny to watch them finally get scolded by someone who's not me.

"We .......trying to............!!" XChara yelled out. "Shut up!!" Was the only clear sentence I heard clearly.

I couldn't help myself from laughing before hitting my head on the bed frame. I rubbed my head and seemed to get Chara's attention from that. A slightly glowing red eye and white hair appeared by the bed. I felt a slight chill up my spine before calming down a bit. It's just Chara and I probably won't be hurt by him.

"Who are you?" He asked somehow much clearer than before.
"Forgot." I said while I crawled out and hit my tentacles. I whined and tried to move them down with my hands. I have no idea how to move them and that hurt like being punched in the chest. I heard a bit of static like always when ghosts try to talk and they're not being very clear. I continued to move my tentacles and get out of under the bed. I lay there for a bit.

"Tired?" Dex asked.
"No that just hurt a lot." I replied feeling the soreness of the tendrils. I could feel the tendrils twitching in pain before it went away. I sat up and stretched a bit hear a loud crack. I turned to Dex and then looked around the floor. It's a nice rug and fluffy. It's black so you can't tell my goop is on it, I wonder if that was for Nightmare going into the gang members' rooms.

Dex looked to Haphe and Haphe stared at the air. I could really tell that there's a ghost there. I wonder how much of that is me being close and knowing who it is or me being a Nightmare AU now and possibly being able to sense feelings and auras better. I listened a bit but still tuned them out. I felt bored and had the urge to write a story, so I decided to do the best thing I knew. I used my inventory to get some paper and my pencil case and then looked to Dex.

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