Chapter 9

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Damian's POV

News of Nettie being a spy for Klarion had spread throughout the team. To be honest, I honestly don't see the problem. She hasn't gone anywhere or seen anything that will jeopardise the team in any way. The villains already know our identities so having her spy on us is totally pointless.

Bart: Come on. What's the point of having her leave?

Eduardo: She saw the kids at the Meta-Teen Youth Centre and they saw her. Those teens are now in danger. Don't get me wrong, she's a cool chica and I don't mind her staying but not if it risks the lives of the kids we just saved.

Cassandra: I know but we can't just let her go.

Jonathan: I agree.

Timothy: I don't know... Eduardo has a point and I'm not disagreeing with the rest of you but we need to take into consideration the people she's interacted with. They could be in danger-

Zatanna: But she does need a place to stay. She can stay with me for now until we figure out a plan-

Jerry: Nettie!!- SHE'S GONE!!!

I sighed. she's gone. She's so troublesome. "What do you mean she's gone?" Kent asked. "She disappeared..through a black and red portal. It j-just swallowed her." Zatanna frowned, "That seems like Klarion's teleportation rift. He might've taken her or she could've done it by accident-"

Jerry: I don't care how, but we need to get her back!

Marinette's POV

I was transported through a rift to a place I didn't recognise. I was in a cell but there were no bars caging me but a glass wall trapping me inside like a fly in a jar. Beyond the glass it was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing which worried me. I sighed heavily and tried standing up but I couldn't.

"Ah, you're awake, my toy." I swiftly turned around following the voice that spoke beyond the glass but I couldn't see anyone, but there was no need for sight because that voice I knew very well. Klarion. "Are you liking your accommodations?" he asked and finally I saw a floating devilish face, only eyes and mouth, peering at me.

I glared at him only to hear a faint meow behind me. I turned around and saw his cat walking up to me. He rubbed his head and purred into my thigh. When I turned to look back at Klarion his face had disappeared. Soon I found his nails aimed at my throat while he stood behind me.

"You kept escaping me, toy. I am your master and you're supposed to remain by your master's side. But now that I have you, I guess I won't be needing that other girl anymore." With the snap of his finger, Alya appeared in front of us being held by her throat in the air.

I tried yelling but no words left my lips. "Oh that's right, as my toy I get to decide whether or not you can speak." He chuckled, his nails edging deeping into my skin. "Mari.." Alya groaned. Klarion released her and she immediately ran up to me but she was blasted away.

I managed to move a little but Klarion choked my neck pulling me back. Alya winced, getting back onto her feet. "A force field? That's pretty lame of you, you son of a b*tch. You're scared your 'toy' will run away, you poor unfortunate witch boy." Klarion grit his teeth getting up making his way over to Alya.

I tried and tried again to move but I was frozen. Klarion you a**hole. What did you do to me!? I turned back to Alya and Klarion raised his hand. As he did so, red lightning zapped out his palm, Alya barely managed to dodge in time but he singed her pants. "Oh no you didn't. Mari made these clothes for me."

While they continued to play cat and mouse, Alya trying her best to buy time, I felt helpless as I just watched. All I could move was my head and neck, my body was frozen. Damn it, damn it!! Move Marinette!

- "Haha, Tikki, look how silly our new Guardian looks."

- "Plagg, that's not nice! Apologise."

Was I going crazy or are there voices in my head now? I looked around the room but didn't see anything until two weird creatures appeared before my eyes in front of me. "Bug mice..." I muttered but they heard me. My's back.

- "Bug mice! Do we look like bug mice to you!? What even is a bug mouse!?"

- "Plagg calm down. I'm sorry about him. But we aren't bug mice, we're kwamis."

"What the hell even is a kwami?" I asked.

- "We're kwamis. My name is Tikki and this is Plagg." The one name Tikki introduced and gestured towards her friend. "We're celestial beings as old as time itself. We have been here since the universe was created and your planet Earth. I'm the oldest then Plagg came after me. You can say we're sort of like...protectors of this planet. As Plagg mentioned earlier you're our new Guardian and as the 'new' implies, we've had other Guardians in the past. We can only be seen by our chosen Guardian unless they decide otherwise. Also-"

"Wait a minute- slow down. T-That's a lot to process..." I wasn't lying. Two creatures magically appear in front of your face and say all this magic nonsense as if I'm Zatanna. That's crazy. And how do I know I can even trust them? For all I know they could be working with Klarion.

Plagg: Hey kid, instead of phasing out, your friend over there seems to be in a tight spot fighting with the Lord of Chaos.

I immediately came to and saw Alya back into a corner. Sh*t! "Can you two get me out of here? my friend somehow. Please?"

Tikki: Unfortunately we can't as of right now. But we might..well Plagg might be able to get you out of this bind.

Marinette: How?

Plagg: Simple. By destroying it. Cata-

Tikki: Plagg! You know doing that might kill everyone here. You can't use your power lightly. You need a host. This is exactly how the dinosaurs died and our master at the time had to make up the whole comet story!

Wait..there wasn't a comet..? This little cat- bug mouse creature killed all the dinosaurs..? I was now officially scared.

Plagg: Listen here kid. You can be my host and I'll help you get out of here. Trust me, okay kid?

I'd be the stupidest person alive right now to trust the creatures I just met but I feel as though..I have a connection to them. Something in my gut is telling me I should trust them and I will. "Alright Plagg, tell me what to do." He smirked.

Plagg: Just say these words. 'Plagg, Claws Out!'

"Plagg, Claws Out!"


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