Chapter 3

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Marinette's POV

I remained at the Outsiders Base of Operations in their medical bay as I recovered. Today is Wednesday and Jerry went back home to retrieve some of the supplies I needed to prepare for my meeting Friday. I swear this man gets paid a little too much and that's why he decides to annoy me.

I started my work when he handed me my glasses and I shook my head. "Come on, you know you're as blind as a bat, Nettie." I shook my head, "Trust me, I can see perfectly fine now." He kept trying to put it on my face while I would try to stop him. I caved and I put on glasses. "F*ck you, Jerry."

He rolled his eyes at me and I got down to business while the outsiders got to work. It was around lunchtime and no one was really around. I saw Robin an hour ago upstairs and Kid Flash who literally dropped in for 2 seconds. I looked up and saw Beast Boy who looked rather...disgusting...

I raised a brow and saw him pour himself a glass of water and take some pills. He glanced at me then went back upstairs. That..was weird. I haven't seen him on the frontlines for over a month now. Is that really him? Jerry got me to focus back on my work.

I heavily exhaled and as I prepared, the hours went by like minutes. The members who lived at the base returned and Zatanna and Nightwing came to check on me. "Everything looks good. You can go home tomorrow after your Taos visit." Nghtwing said and I nodded as I saw Jerry smile a little.

Kid Flashed knocked on the wall and said E.D. will meet us there tomorrow before he turned in for the night. I finished up the little details in time for Jerry to bring a cup of tea for me. "Thanks Jer." He sat on the edge of my bed and asked, "Ok. What's up? I know that face." I raised a brow. "What face?"

He looked at me muddly and raised a brow, "Like, 'Oh my gosh. I know I have to do this but I don't want to. I'd be a burden to everyone if I was selfish but I really want ice cream so bad'-" "Shut Up!" I whisper-shouted. I sighed, "No..I'm know that some people still don't appreciate the idea of metahumans especially teens waltzing around with powers. Yet they still like the idea of being protected. It's ridiculous."

"And now you're worried because you have powers and the anxiety of that and the meeting is weighing on you..isn't it." I flopped back on the bed after giving my cup to Jerry. "Just sleep on it Nettie. You have a big day tomorrow." I got comfortable and tried to sleep but I couldn't. I sighed and tossed and turned. Nothing.

I managed to slip off to sleep and then I felt a sudden chill. When I opened my eyes I was surrounded by a snowy plain. There was nothing around me, just snow upon snow. I was levitating off the ground when I felt a hand in my hand.


I looked down but I didn't see anyone. There was just a glowing presence. That's when I realised I was underwater and the light was leading further and further, deeper underwater until I saw a little cottage at the bottom. It opened the door and pulled me inside. I scanned the little house and heard voices, laughter.

He led me to the back and out the door and we were on top of the Eiffel Tower. "Who are you?"


I heard my name once again and that's when everything started to shatter. The Eiffel Tower fell and shattered and I was plummeting with it. The light had vanished and I was back to the snowing plain. In the distance, I saw a shimmer of red. "Hello?" I narrowed my eyes and paused.

My heart throbbed and I fell to my knees. It felt like gravity was crushing me. A person stood in front of me and a meow silenced everything. I looked up and saw Klarion. My eyes widened and stumbled backwards trying to get away from him. Something captured my ankle and began to pull me back.

His hand caught my neck as he began to choke me. "You think you can get away from me, toy?" He grinned. I struggled to get out of his grip when it tightened.


My eyes widened at the call of my name again. A shadow figure landed in between us making Klarion release his grip. I landed in the arms of someone else. I looked up and realised that it had no face, no features, just a body made of red smoke. Klarion grit his teeth and left with his cat. The person that helped looked down and my name was called out again.


I looked around and saw about nine other figures standing behind us. The one that came between me and Klarion walked up to me and raised their hand. In one swift moment, they stabbed me in the heart and I jolted upwards. The next thing I knew was that I'd return to the Outsider's Base and Jerry was yelling my name. 

I exhaled harshly and felt a pain in my chest. Superboy, Robin, Wonder Girl and Kid Flash surrounded me, Superboy holding my arms. "Marinette! Are you alright? Can you hear me?" I nodded slowly and Jerry sighed. I looked around and noticed that I was outside in the living area on the couch.

"W-What happened..?" Jerry answered, "You started floating again in your sleep..and talking..-" Kid Flash interjected, "You were also emitting lightning and your eyes were glowing red and you were inaudibly screaming. That is aside from the talking and stuff." I frowned, "I'm sorry I woke you and caused you guys some trouble."

Superboy shook his head, "It's fine really. We called Zatanna over to stop you from levitating. Until then, I kinda have to hold you down or else you'll start levitating again." "Thank you." Robin 'Tsked' and walked back upstairs to his room. "I apologise. He's usually that rude to everyone." I smiled, "It's totally fine."

The zeta tube glowed briefly before Zatanna walked in. "Good morning everyone. Hello again Nettie." I smiled. "Hey, and sorry about all this." She waved her hand, "No worries. already stopped levitating. You don't have that red aura around you."

I giggled. Is that why Robin left earlier? I was surprised to see he was still in his suit. I brushed it off and stood up. She was right, I did stop levitating. Strange how I couldn't even tell that. "Thank you for coming all this way." She smiled, "I don't mind. I suggest you go get some extra sleep before the sun rises."

Jerry picked me up and carried me back to the medical bay and placed me on the bed. "Haah, Jerry, why do you put up with me?" I teasingly questioned him. I gently smacked my forehead, "Because that's my job, little girl."


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