Chapter 2

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Marinette's POV

Klarion: Oh, Oh! Vandal! Can I have the popstar as my toy please? I want to try new things, new experiments on her.

Vandal Savage: If you must.

Klarion: Now what should I do with you?

I laid strapped down on a table. The kid with a cat grabbed my face and squeezed my cheeks tightly in his hand. He chuckled as his eyes turned into red dots and his smile turned into an evil, wide smirk. He zapped me over and over with his powers until the pain was too much to bear and I fainted.

Klarion: Aww, my test subject... We haven't even reach the good part yet.

I was dropped into a tube filled with a strange liquid that allowed me to breathe..or maybe I was changed so that I could. I felt different. I looked around and saw some other teens with me there as well. The cat boy arrived in front of my tube and grinned widely and said something that I couldn't hear.

Suddenly my tube began to fill with a red substance. It was thick, hard to move in. I was immobilised and I couldn't breathe. Then needles injected me with something, on my back and the back of my arms and legs. It was pure chaos. The last thing I remembered was him speaking to someone..

This guy was two sizes taller, larger than the cat boy. Enormous and muscular.

"The 'Cat boy' you speak of is Klarion. However, the other guy you speak of could be anybody." Miss Martian said. "Though there's a good chance the guy could be Vandal Savage." Kid Flash assumed. Red Robin handed me a glass of water and I took it as he said, "Well we can't say for sure. Anything else you remembered from your dream?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm sorry." I muttered weakly, my throat extremely dry for some reason. Jerry patted my head, "I am so sorry Nettie, if I had just paid more attention-" I rested my hand on his arm, "Stop it Jer, it's alright." Nightwing got up from the edge of my bed and excused himself along with the other young heroes in the room.

Static: So no one is going to tell her that she was floating and screaming inaudibly while she was resting?

Miss Martian: I tried reading her dream while she was unconscious but I couldn't see the figure properly either. But I could tell she's been through a lot of pain.

Kid Flash: Buuut, There is a chance that it was Savage, those two have been seen together on multiple occasions. Remember the whole situation at the watchtower a while back?

Zatanna: He's got a point. Marinette was surrounded by large surges of magic. Dark magic just like his.

Superboy: she could definitely use magic.

Red Robin: What makes you say that?

"Umm guys.. A little help..please..?" I said as I began to float upwards and I managed to hit the roof. Everyone came rushing back in as Jerry stood on the bed but it wasn't enough. Superboy flew up and held my hands bringing me back down to the ground but I was still levitating. My feet didn't stay on the ground for very long.

"Z, a spell would be nice.." Miss Martian said. Zatanna then spoke, "Cigam esrepsid, Nruter eitten ot eht dnuorg." And just like that I stopped levitating. "Thank you.." I sighed in relief. "Maybe..we should tell her about the training facility now that we know she has powers." El Dorado said. "You mean..the one at Taos." I asked overhearing.

Superboy nodded with a hum. "Yeah. You could go there to receive training if you want to further enhance your powers and possibly join the outsiders or you can get them under control or an inhibitor collar can be given to you. It's your choice." he explained.

I smiled then turned to Jerry only to see him glaring back at me. He really wants me to return home. I guess he's feeling really guilty about the abduction. "C'mon Jer, please-" "No, and you wanna know why. You have two meetings that I've begged your associates to push back and the last day they are willing is Friday. So no, you are staying in bed, getting some rest and appearing for that meeting three days from now."

"Can I at least drop by to get an inhibitor collar so that I don't start floating again..?" I pleaded and he sighed agreeing. Wonder girl chuckled, "Your body guard here is like your dad." I smiled, "Nah, I just tend to go offhand sometimes and I get a bit distracted. He just keeps me safe and in check. So Jer, can I go get it tomorrow?"

He stared at me, "No child, you have to prepare for your meetings, we'll drop by and get it Thursday." I pouted, "What..Why not todayyy.." I whined as Jerry pushed me back down onto the bed. "Meanie...Hmph!" I folded my arms and turned away from him while he sighed.

"So, who wants to accompany me to Taos on Thursday?" Kid Flash sped up to me and volunteered himself along with El Dorado. "Thanks boys."


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