Chapter 69: Just an Anti

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"Will you shut the fuck up?!" Chimon chimed in before she continued babbling about the superficial view she had of the singer's life. But Nanon just shook his head at him.

"Mon, it's okay, she knows nothing about us. Let it go-"

"No, meung! Enough is enough! Just because we work in the showbiz industry, we don't have to take this kind of shit every single day! It was not okay, but still bearable when these crazy people kept saying toxic shit online, because blocking them could do the trick. Now they are shooting people at hospitals and threatening us face to face?! This is too much!" Chimon said briskly, and the girl eyed him with a disdainful expression on her face, but let him speak his mind. Ohm warned him to not make things worse.

"Mon, she thinks our whole lives are on IG posts and Internet interactions, you're not really going to engage-"

"Fuck that!" Chimon stood up and crossed his arms. "Do you know what your problem is? You keep occupying your mind with other people's private affairs instead of diving into yours. You've been cooped up in your room for too long, and you've got no idea how to handle your own emotions. You obviously have no life, and you think it's okay to direct your frustrations to people who actually have one? Non is an actor playing roles, and you probably watched too many of his works and forgot that the roles he played are not the real him. Why should his fucking world revolve around Ohm? They're not Pat and Pran! You can't scold or judge my fucking friend without even knowing him! How can you claim to know how he interacts with Ohm in real life? You don't even have his phone number, you're not even his acquaintance, you're just a stranger with a lot of free time on your hands! He owes you nothing! Why do you even have a problem with him? Who gives you the right to harass him? You're gonna hurt my friend just because you can't force him to act the way you want to? Realizing that he's not Pran in real life, bothers you so much?"

"I didn't even like Bad Buddy The Series." She shot back and put her knife back on her belt. She suddenly seemed eager to discuss the topic. The others just watched the debate with apprehension. "What I really enjoyed was their interaction in real life, in front of the cameras, and Huang Le Rong did say in an interview that he would die for Chen Bing Lin and for you. Let's see if that's actually true." The shooter added as her eyes traveled from Chimon to Nanon again.

"No! You stop this nonsense! Actors have to behave a certain way when they are interviewed! As an actor myself, I know that most of the time we've gotta say weird stuff that people are anxious to hear and do all sorts of skinship to keep the fanbases entertained. The BL industry builds, promotes, and feeds a ridiculous romantic gay fantasy to sell it to the world without thinking of its consequences. And when people buy it, we actors can only poorly satisfy people's expectations of us. Real life is not a fan fiction. The moment you start believing that it is, you've gotta find professional help." Chimon argued energetically.

"Well said, Wachirawit!" Mark said in a mocking tone and clapped his hands derisively. "But who's gonna pay for her medical bills? GMMTV's CPs messed with her head, so that means she's a victim of this whole fake system of imaginary BL relationships, right?" He added, with a cynical grin on his face.

"I am not mentally impaired!" She announced in annoyance, but something about the girl's body language signaled that she wasn't so sure of herself after Chimon's speech.

"Why do you call Nanon Huang Le Rong and Ohm Chen Bing Lin?" The former badminton played sounded genuinely curious.

"It's their Chinese names! Don't you know anything about OhmNanon?!" She almost sounded offended. Mark couldn't help chuckling.

"Don't mind him." Chimon said quickly, still able to grab her attention. "Why are you here? Are you ready to throw your life away because of ordinary people like us? Someone as young as you shouldn't ruin your life like this. What do you think it's gonna happen when the police get in here? Life in prison is not nice, and I'm sure you'll regret ever causing all this trouble to strangers who never did anything against you-"

Just The 2 Of UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora