Chapter 56: Just Running in Circles

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The Manila Fan Meeting was beautifully conducted by Miss Mela. The Filipino hostess was fun and not invasive. The games played on the stage and the interaction with fans were very enthusiastic. Ohm was surprised by the warm welcome he received in that country. Nanon was already expecting that kind of positive energy though. He had been in the Philippines before, and RedGreens there showered him with love. He understood Ohm's nervousness, but he knew his ex had more fans than haters overseas.

The Fan Meeting followed the same MO of the previous ones. The couple performed a few songs together, they were interviewed by the local hostess, a few competitions took place, and there was also a high-touch moment that allowed fans to greet their idols face-to-face. The highlights of the event were the moments people in the crowd kept shouting 'I love yous' nonstop. Both Nanon and Ohm couldn't help smiling. Since Ohm seemed a bit shy to answer all the 'I love yous', Nanon never failed to answer even for him.

Nanon didn't say anything to the older actor, but he was proud to see him perform by himself on a stage surrounded by a wave of red and green light sticks that danced nonstop before him. Ohm sang "Unlovable", and while he listened to its lyrics, Nanon couldn't help thinking that each verse of the song fit their problematic situation perfectly. Their love was indeed complicated, forbidden, cursed, and just impossible.

He knew Ohm was seeing a therapist, and he knew the older actor was on meds. He was aware of all that because Perth told him about it. Nanon didn't see Ohm after that meeting with Aof at the company. He only laid eyes on his ex again at the airport, when they both had to greet fans before leaving for Manila. P'Kwang had informed them that P'Tha had instructed people on the staff to keep an eye on both of them during the trip, so they shouldn't interact much behind the cameras. They were always surrounded by GMM'S employees and the couple barely exchanged glances when they didn't have to.

Nanon and Ohm had 'bodyguards'. They followed them inside and out of the hotel. The singer was a bit alarmed when he heard that Ohm was still receiving a few death threats online, and the company had no idea of where they were coming from. They didn't know the nationality of those people nor their actual location, so whenever the older actor had to step out of his hotel room, he had security following him at a discreet distance.

The couple really stayed away from each other as much as possible off he stage. They were handling the work in their own way. Smiling was the key. Smiling to staff members and whoever asked them if they okay or if they needed something, helped them to play their parts professionally, even though they were coming undone inside. Specially Nanon, who at 2:40 AM tried to get a hold of his sister, but his phone was dead. He had forgotten to put his charger in his baggage before he left Thailand, and he didn't want to bother anyone in the staff to borrow a charger at that hour. He tried using his computer, but the Wi-Fi at the hotel was down. He could ask for a charger at the front desk of the hotel, but he didn't want to be recognized by anyone. So he went to the balcony on the 10th floor of the hotel with his lap top to see if he could get any open Wi-Fi signal near the hotel.

"Oh my god! It's Nanon Korapat!" The voice behind Nanon startled him a bit, but as soon as he recognized that fake feminine tone, he knew he hadn't been spotted by a Filipino fan.

"How did you escape your bodyguard?" The singer asked, without turning to him. Nanon became nervous all of a sudden. It was like he didn't know how to communicate with the older actor anymore. He just wished his ex would go back to his hotel room.

"He went to the bathroom. I guess he still thinks I am in the room." Ohm replied as he sat on the floor of the balcony, leaving a considerable space between him and Nanon.

"You shouldn't be here. We have a flight to catch tomorrow." The singer uttered, managing to keeping his vulnerable feelings in check.

"Really? And what are you doing up here with a lap top?" Ohm crossed his arms and glanced at him. The singer still wouldn't meet his gaze.

Just The 2 Of UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora