Chapter 24: Just Distant

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Ohm was on his lunch break when he saw pictures and fancams of the Feel Fan Fun Camping Concert. Of course Twitter was flooded with comments regarding how a busy Nanon was still able to attend his Phis' event and have fun while his supposed great friend was at the hospital. Fans even recorded a video of P'Arm and P'Namtan dancing the Love Score choreography in their seats with the singer.

Ohm dismissed the malicious comments online and just felt relieved to see that his boyfriend still found some time to unwind. He knew Nanon needed that, and he couldn't help wishing he was there with him. That was the same venue where the OhmNanon1stFM took place, and a wave of nostalgia ran through him as he recalled the life changing hours Nanon and him shared together on that stage. The fact that Nanon was in that very venue again, this time as part of the audience, sitting next to P'Aof, and other Phis enjoying the same song Pat sang to Pran on episode 8 of BBS made his heart ache. He missed his boyfriend like crazy, and he envied those Phis who could hang out with him indiscriminately.

They hadn't seen each other for just a few days, but those days already felt like decades for Ohm. Since he couldn't be with his boyfriend as often as he wanted to, he tried to at least comfort his heart with the sound of his lover's voice. Therefore, he took advantage of the last few minutes of his lunch break to call his boyfriend.

"You haven't been picking up my calls lately. I know you're busy, and all, but, can you come see me?"

"Ohm, you're filming till late these days, and so do I. I don't wanna distract you from your work. Plus, I'm a bit far from where you are right now."

"Do you want me to beg?"

"What's wrong with you? As far as I know, I'm the clingy one." Nanon snorted. He missed his voice too. He missed his man like he had never missed anyone in his life. He couldn't help smiling when he saw his lover's name lightning up the screen of his phone seconds earlier. He was glad Ohm called, even though he forced himself not to call him.

"You see? I'm already acting out of character because of you. This detached behaviour of yours is pretty unusual! Or perhaps...Were you trying to get my attention all this time you've been hanging out with all your pals from GMMTV? Are you trying to make me jealous, babe?"

"No chance. My world doesn't revolve around Ohm Pawat, you know? Besides, I have a life outside work, and whenever I can, I try to live a little. You should try it sometime too." Nanon replied cheekily, he was low-key pleased to hear the desperation in his lover's voice. Apparently, distance did make Ohm's heart grow fonder. If that was even possible.

"Come on, Non. I can't stand being away from you any longer. Where are you? Maybe I can escape from the shooting for an hour or two and pick you up. We could go somewhere private and-"

"Is that an invitation for a quickie? Forget it. You can't possibly meet me right now without disrupting your whole schedule of the day. I'm at Rajamangala National Stadium." Nanon confessed, hoping to not let his anxiety show. He was clearly avoiding his boyfriend the best he could, and Ohm was going to notice that if he wasn't careful enough. Although he struggled to say all the right things, Nanon knew his boyfriend would flip now.

"Wait a minute, are you at Octopop Fest? Non, what the hell? You're not even at work, and you're ditching me for a concert? And I bet you're not alone there. I'm actually offended right now." Ohm complained unreasonably.

"Don't be like that, Ohm! It's not just a random concert, and you know it. It happens once a year! And it's been a while since I've seen all my favorite bands play. I've gotta support P'Bright, P'Mew and P'Beep too. Our Phis are performing this evening and I can't miss their shows."

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