Chapter 43: Just Sand Art & Seashells

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"Let's do it!" Nanon exclaimed confidently, and they did count to three before revealing their pieces. Ohm couldn't help laughing at the question his lover carved on the sand which said, 'What a bout some sex on the beach?'

Nanon's question was ambiguous. He could be asking about the drink, or something else. He knew Ohm couldn't keep his mouth shut once he read that. So yeah, Nanon was willing to do whatever he asked him to do, just this once. And the singer was going to try to be speechless as soon as the older showed him his art. He did want to make his lover happy. They actually didn't have to go through that silly contest, Nanon was ready to say lots of 'yes' just to preserve that light mood between them.

"Oh, dear! Non, how's that supposed to make me speechless?" The older was genuinely amused. "I'm totally up for it! Yes! My answer is yes! Let's just find the next palm tree in this village and do it! Meung, did you just let me win on purpose?"

The singer didn't answer him. Nanon had his eyes fixed on his boyfriend's sand art. He did become speechless, and he wasn't faking it. Ohm's laugh ceased at once when he noticed his lover's perplexed expression, and inability to utter a single word.

"Have I won, then?" Ohm asked carefully. Nanon still didn't answer him. "Babe?"

The singer stood up abruptly and ran a hand through his hair. Ohm was unable to tell if he was mad or simply baffled. "Non, talk to me."

"What the hell, Ohm. This is not something you can joke about. This competition is stupid!" Nanon exhaled, and shook his head in disbelief.

"I am not joking. Do you think I would ever joke about something like that?" Ohm asked him seriously. Nanon opened his mouth to say something, but no sound escaped his lips. He just gulped and stared hard into his lover's eyes. Ohm wasn't kidding at all. "You know what I want. It's written right there, and you are supposed to do what I ask you to do. Well, I just need you to say yes to my proposal." Ohm stated, pointing to the shells he arranged on the sand forming the sentence, 'Will you marry me?'

Nanon chewed on his bottom lip and looked down again. A wave of panic ran through him as millions of thoughts assaulted his mind. Was Ohm really losing his mind because of what he was going through? Should he take him seriously even though he knew Ohm was not thinking straight? What if Ohm really meant it, and he had been planning to ask him that for a while? Would he break his lover's heart by rejecting his proposal right there? Could he just accept it and follow his own heart? What about their families, career and life? Should they come out and just ignore whatever people had to say about them? How bad that scandal would be? Would his parents give them their blessings? Was he ready to give up his job and dreams for the man he loved? Would Ohm still want to marry him if he learned about Ananda and their deal? How the fuck he was going to explain himself to Ohm? Would his boyfriend lash out at him once he found out that he hid from him the fact that he was being blackmailed by Mark's evil cousin this time?

"Thailand won't allow us that. But we can get legally married in Taipei. There are other countries were we can get married. You can choose. I don't mind where or how it happens. I just want you to be my husband." Ohm revealed, making Nanon's eyes grow wide.

"Are you serious?" The singer whispered, still in shock.

"I've never been this serious in my whole life." A determined Ohm replied, never taking his eyes off him.

"Why are you asking me this now? And here? It's just so sudden and random!" Nanon couldn't believe his own ears. "Ohm, you're quite troubled right now and you're not pondering the weight of your words at this moment."

"Why should I ponder anything? Haven't I pondered enough?! I've been rehearsing this sentence for years." Ohm stated bitterly, not very pleased by his lover's reaction. He wished Nanon wouldn't forget who started liking who first.

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