Chapter 13: Just Chaos

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"You should've told me about this weeks ago. Always carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, huh, big bro? When will you be fair with yourself and share your burdens at least with your little sis? I'm not a child anymore. I am 19. I can watch over you too, just like you watch over me. I know you don't wanna worry mom. But this can't go on, and we have to do something."

"You know things like this can destroy someone's career and reputation. I don't even want to imagine the kind of scandal these supposed pictures, videos and fucking drugs could cause. You and mom wouldn't have peace anymore, dad would probably have a fit, and I would drag all of you down with me. Please, promise me you won't do anything, or say anything for now, okay? I'm still trying to figure this guy out. I just need to understand him better, you know? Find out what he really wants from me."

"If he wanted something from you, he would've already said so. You can't bargain with a sicko like him. It seems to me he's fucking envious of your and Ohm's success. It's obvious he can't bear to see you two happy together either, and it's not just because you two are men...I really don't know what to think. Look, I promise you I won't interfere for now. But you have to keep me updated about this. If he dares to touch you or threaten you again, I'm going to the police. I can promise you that too. If you really intend to do something to stop him, you've gotta do it before this monster gets too cocky and puts his next plan into action."

"I know. Don't worry. I'll think of something, and I'll let you know. Just be patient, okay?"

The words his sister whispered to him at the ice-cream shop making sure nobody overheard them, echoed in his mind. If Nanon had known that Mark was already poisoning his boyfriend's head outside that shop while he opened up to Nonnie about his troubles, he would've properly prepared himself emotionally and physically for the trial that followed. However, how can one firmly bulletproof his mind and body when dealing with an unpredictable, cunning and unscrupulous individual? Would he ever be able to find the former player's weakness, and build an effective counterattack? Those frustrating thoughts plagued Nanon.

The singer wasn't at his condo anymore. He was somewhere safe, where only the owner of that place had a key to it. But how safe could any place be if Mark Pakin had him wrapped around his little finger? Photos, videos, and lies could be used against him any time, anywhere, no matter how much distance he put between himself and his torturer. He was in agonizing danger, constantly.

The singer could hear the owner of the house talking, but he wasn't listening.

"He fucking outed you to your sister without your consent! He trashed your room, gave you all these bruises and-"

"Wachirawit Ruangwiwat, can you try not to be so loud? You're gonna give me a headache." Nanon asked for the hundredth time. His best friend had all the right to be worried about him, but the last thing Nanon wanted was a sermon at that moment. He was sitting cross-legged on Chimon's couch, after being rescued from the havoc his boyfriend had left in his condo and in his heart. Deep down, Nanon knew he could count on Chimon to make him feel better, or at least make him feel something, but he was still unable to digest what happened between him and Ohm. He couldn't hate his lover for behaving the way he did, but he couldn't blame himself either. That fight, the hurtful words exchanged, the physical struggle, wasn't easy to assimilate. Everything happened too fast and all at once. He couldn't guess why Mark, the one who had forced him to keep his mouth shut, would go to Ohm and say all those things. It was also a mystery to him how the former player got into his condo and planted those drugs there. He had known Ohm Pawat for more than five years, and although he was aware that Ohm had a short temper, he still couldn't believe what he saw in his own room a few hours earlier. Nanon felt like he was transported to a parallel universe, coerced into dealing with someone else's life, and he suddenly couldn't keep up with all the chaos that surrounded him.

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