Chapter 64: Just Characters

Start from the beginning

Ohm couldn't even start to comprehend why some people could only accept a version of him that was stainless and almost saint-like. But somehow, it made sense, after all, those individuals hadn't faced what he had to face, nor experienced the feelings of having to make life or death choices under pressing circumstances like he did. Those strangers who called themselves 'fans' dehumanized him too. What did they perceive him to be? A fictional, almost dream-like version of a gentleman-like prince in shining armor? Was he not capable of being evil as much as he was capable of being good? Those people watched too many TV series, read too many romantic novels, and spent too much time following Twitter trends. Being pure and virtuous were not traits of a real-life idol, or a flesh and blood being. That was the image their agency sold the best they could, and fans bought it. No living being could be perfect enough to live up to a whole world of expectations. Which person is solely righteous? Which person is immune to the real-world insanities? Why is it that when behaviors get too ugly, they're suddenly considered abnormal? Humans are not angels, people are built by the sum of their mistakes. Characters are what viewers see through the screen of a computer, a TV, or camera lenses. Humans are fragile, humans can be broken, and they neither have superpowers nor sinless lives. And what should be considered a sin? What should be considered good or bad? Why couldn't he be just ordinary like everybody else?

"Perth is weirded out because you punched him in the face and never apologized. It wouldn't hurt you to give him a call, you know." Chimon shook his head at him in a reprimanding manner.

"What is there to apologize for? It's not like he would forgive me after that punch. All I am doing is sparing him from my presence. I noticed he became uncomfortable around me after what he saw. He's better off without a deranged guy like me as a Phi." Ohm commented rather sadly. He hated to think that he had finally lost Perth's camaraderie. That Nong advised him not to keep that video, nor show it to anyone, but Ohm couldn't keep Nanon in the dark anymore. He knew Perth was just looking out for him when he tried to convince the singer to not enter that car. Perth certainly didn't deserve to end up on the asphalt with a torn lip.

"Well, it's been more than a month and you didn't even try to reach him. If I were in his shoes and some cretin Phi-"

"Okay! I'll call him." Ohm was aware that Chimon's sermon could really sour his day, so he stopped him before his friend had a chance to begin.

"Listen, Nonnie said she would love to stop by to wish you a happy birthday, but she doesn't wanna get on her brother's bad side. So, yeah, apparently, no Kirdpan can make it. Especially the one you hope to see. I'm sorry Meung." Chimon stated without ceremony. He didn't want to give his friend false hope, even though he had a plan to get bit-by-bit chunks of the old Nanon back.

"Do you think my parents will show up eventually? My family never really celebrates birthdays, but Thailand promised he would try to convince them to come." Ohm sounded quite lonely when he practically informed his friend that he would spend his birthday mourning the absence of the people he loved and abandoned him. Chimon sat beside him and patted his back. Perhaps, Ohm wasn't so self-reliant after all.

"We could throw a party, call people from GMM-"

"No! No party, not them. I don't want a bunch of co-workers showing up at my door out of pity. What Drake, Mix, Tay, and Jimmy had to see at that barbecue at your house was not pretty. And I'm not ready to put my colleagues' image at risk when they're caught celebrating the birthday of a canceled fellow actor." Ohm said sarcastically.

"Well, I don't give two shits about being cancelled, so you'll have to bear with me. Tell you what, first thing in the morning tomorrow, we will make merit, and afterwards we can decide what to do next to have fun, what do you say?"

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