Chapter 56: Just Running in Circles

Start from the beginning

"Trying to compose, and I'd rather do it alone." Nanon sounded more unfriendly than he meant to.

"Sorry to bother you then." Ohm said a bit hurt as he moved to get up an leave. However Nanon's words stopped him.

"I need a phone charger. Do you have one I can borrow?" He asked suddenly. Ohm smiled internally.

"I promise you to lend you mine if you manage to have a civil chat with me here without getting angry."

"I don't have time for games, Ohm. We both know we shouldn't be seen together, nor I want to be anywhere around you if it's not necessary-"

"Five minutes. That's all you have to bear with. Five minutes." Ohm cut him off, before the singer kicked him out of there for good. "Starting now." he added as he took his phone from his pocket and checked the time.

"Forget it, I don't need this." Nanon was about to stand up when Ohm made another offer.

"I can lend you my cell phone if it's so urgent."

"I need to call home." Nanon whispered in a defeated tone and went back to his corner of the balcony.

"4 minutes?" Ohm negotiated. The singer exhaled.

"Two minutes." A resigned Nanon said in defeat.

"Deal." Ohm smirked, but since Nanon never dared to look at him, he had no idea that the older actor was satisfied with that little victory. "You start the conversation. Ask away, and be kind."

"So I should pretend to be a good friend who cares about you? What kind of shit are you trying to pull-"

"Pretending is what we do best, Non. We're actors. Come on, play along." Ohm interrupted his ire again. The singer cursed under his breath, but he didn't have the courage to get up and leave. Deep down, he didn't want to.

"Are you okay? I mean, how are you doing? Afraid of our Filipino fans?" An unwilling Nanon asked, struggling to keep his tone casual.

"Nah, they're awesome. I feel safer here than in Thailand, to be honest. This fan meeting is indeed my first good memory of this year. I'll never forget what that hostess told us, 'You're not just actors. You're actually sources of inspiration. Thank you for being Ohm and Nanon.'" A proud Ohm commented honestly, and Nanon couldn't help wishing they had never stopped being friends. If they hadn't hurt each other so much, Nanon imagined that they would be friends till the day they died.

"It was a good event. And I'm sure no one will attempt on your life. I don't think we'll find any sasaeng in the Philippines, fans are overly too nice here." The singer almost joked with the serious subject. "I'm glad they managed to cheer you up." Nanon suddenly forgot about the two minutes they had established for that 'fake interaction', and so did Ohm.

"Well, my doctor provided me a few happy pills too." The older confessed.

"I remember how it feels like. Don't rely on them too much though. You've gotta keep in mind you'll have to live without them at some point. That's the scary part." Nanon advised him, suddenly not feeling so anxious about that call he had to make.

"I can imagine a few other things scarier than that." Ohm swallowed. He wanted to say 'losing you is scarier', but he couldn't bring himself to voice that sentence.

"Like what? Losing your good looks for example?" Nanon asked out of nowhere, and immediately regretted what he said. He definitely didn't know how to make and idle conversation with the older without making things awkward. And with the awkwardness, his anxiety returned. He was suddenly freaked out again about not being able to reach Nonnie. He always needed to know what was going on at home, and the fact that he didn't know if his mother was still alive, made him quite apprehensive. An oblivious Ohm almost smirked at his words, but quickly managed to keep a neutral expression.

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