Chapter 18

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Sophie was walking to training when Lucy pulled her into one of the offices 'Seriously what the fuck' she yelped and then saw Lucy 'Hi' she said Lucie raised an eyebrow 'you and Leah together?' She asked. Sophie smirked looking at her 'Maybe ' she shrugged looking at her 'Lucy looked down slightly 'I know I fucked up majorly' she said 'No shit' Sophie said looking at her 'It won't happen again I've told Kiera to block me on everything I've already blocked her' she said 'I want us back' she said looking at her. 'Well get started' sophie responded. 'With what?' Lucy asked 'Planning our first date' she said looking at her walking off Lucy grinned and followed her and they went to training. Sophie smiled as she did the training and went inside after the game was later that night against Norway they had a small tea and was on the way to the stadium.

Sophie walked into the changing rooms biting her lip as she got changed into her warm up gear and went out waving at the fans with a smile. Sophie did her warms ups with Lucy Sophie nutmegged her as the crowd cheered

After the warm up Sophie got her England shirt on and looked at the captains armband as Lucy took it and smiled putting it on her arm with a smile kissing her cheek 'you got this' she said with a smile kissing her cheek. Sophie nodded and smiled going to the front of the tunnel leading her team out of the tunnel a stern expression on her face as she got into game mode. She sang the national anthem with her team and got into position smiling as the game started she passed the ball back to Millie and went up the pitch with Beth it wasn't probably until the 12th minute that the had a chance Sophie was running into the box and her feet got taken out from under her she hit the ground with a yelp as the refs whistle blew pointing to the spot Lucy ran up and got on one knee leaning over Sophie checking on her before going to the player shoving her 'what the hell' she said getting in the players face.

Sophie got up wrapping her arms around Lucy pulling her away 'Calm down Luce' she said as she gave the ball to Georgia 'you got it ' she said still with one arm still around Lucy getting out of the box.

Georgia converted the penalty and they all cheered just three minutes later Beth was running to the box and passed the ball to Sophie who had a shot and watched it sailing into the net. Sophie ran to Lucy and jumped on her as the team smiled and congratulated her. Sophie carried on playing and scored another 3 minutes later she ran to the England fans with a smile and patted the England crest holding her arms out in celebration as Beth jumped on her back.

They carried on playing with a smirk in her face pissing off the Norway players a few more goals were scored and when half time came it was 6-0 to England. They went into the changing rooms and sat down listening to Sarina Sophie sipped her water looking and listening. Sophie looked 'We are having a solid game keep it up we can score more we can defend more' she said looking at them 'This is our home this is our euros' she said looking at the team 'Ok England on three' she said putting her hand in '1,2,3 ENGLAND' they said and walked out of the changing rooms aback on to the pitch Sophie went to the crowd and got them going cheering with then getting in position for the game to restart they carried on the game and Beth got subbed out for Ellen and Lauren went off for Jill. Was about the 65 minute and and Sophie passed to Ellen and Ellen slotted it home into the net. Sophie ran to her and cheering and hugged her. They all got back in position. Sophie was smirking as she played and Lucy smirked watching her. Lucy passed the ball to midfield and watched as it was passed around Sophie watched the game passing it around to find an opening. It was around the 80th minute and Sophie got the ball from Jill and ran into the box and passed it into the net and ran to Sarina going to celebrate with her and the bench then went and got the ball out of the net at the same time as the keeper and snatched it off her and was surrounded by Norway players. Sophie was pushing her way out of them pushing all of them all of the England players were pulling them away from Sophie and Sophie gave the ball to the ref rolling her eyes at the Norway players 'It's 8-0 relax' she said looking at them they carried on playing until the final whistle Sophie cheered with her team and went to the officials and shook hands with them and took the match ball before going over to the fans taking photos with them before them before going into the changing room and it broke out into cheers and Lucy went to her putting her on her shoulders.

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