Chapter 16

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Sophie woke up the next morning and got ready and dressed and went down to get some breakfast she stirred her coffee as she put auger into it and started eating her fruit. 'Sophie can we talk' Lucy said looking at her. Sophie looked at her 'Is it about training or the upcoming match?' She asked looking at her 'Well?' She said when she didn't respond 'No' she said looking at her biting her lip Sophie looked at her 'then no we can't I'm too hungover to deal with this at the moment' she said as she carried on eating sighing as Lucy walked away.

Sophie shook her head and went to the gym to get started early she put her music on and went on the treadmill shutting herself off from the world as she worked out. She carried on pushing herself further and further on the treadmill. Soon enough the girls came in she was doing pull-ups when they walked In only in her sports bra her arms bulging as she did so 'Damn Leah said looking at her 'you have got muscle' she said looking at her Sophie laughed and gave her a wink as she kept going next she did sit-ups. Sophie went to go fill up her water bottle as she went outside and had a kick around afterwords Sophie was juggling the ball doing tricks she still had her music on and did it intime to the music

Kiera went up to Sophie 'Can we talk' she said looking at her 'I didn't want to talk to Lucy I definitely don't want to talk to you get out of my face' she said  'there l's no need to be rude' she said taking her headphones off  'Don't start something you can't finish I'm trying to be professional but your making it so god damn hard. Now give me my headphones or I'll put you on your arse' she said stepping closer to the midfielder Beth went over and pulled Sophie away 'calm down you don't want to lose your head not now ' she said 'your the vice captain' she said Sophie shook her head gently and looked at Lucy 'I told you to go to Barcelona didn't I I made the mistake of letting you in that won't happen again 'Were done' she said and walked off Beth snatched Sophie's earphones of Kiera and took her inside as the rest of the team followed in including Lucy 'I told you to leave her be now she's fucking pissed ' she said walking in the doors and going to her room

Sophie stayed with Beth cuddled into her side side 'in done with all this' she said looking at her 'I know' she said looking at her kissing her head softly stroking her hair.

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