Chapter 1

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Sophie was taking a walk around Manchester on her day off from training. She was wearing her Isak baggy T-shirt and black skinny jeans with a Manchester City hoodie with the number 9 on it. She went to her usual cafe and smiled ordering herself a coffee and a muffin before sitting down picking at the muffin. 'No Lucy today?' The manager asked Sophie looked up and smiled at her 'Not today she's out with Kiera' she said as the other woman nodded

Sophie sipped her drink with a hum of approval as she went through instagram scrolling through photos just wanting to kill time really she was bored and had nothing to do. She slowly finished her coffee and paid and home and got changed  and went to the local bar where she was meeting the girls.

One by one they started coming in Sophie was sat in a stool talking to Lauren and Chloe with a smile on her face. Sophie gave Lucy a small wave as she walked in and completely got blanked. Sophie raised an eyebrow and put it to the back of her mind shaking her head gently as she continued talking with the other two strikers unsure of how to handle the situation.

Sophie smiled at the bartender and got more drinks for the three of them as they laughed and got drunk 'I really need to start dating again' Sophie murmured watching the two go off with their partners. She finished her drink and went outside to get some air then Lucy followed her out 'Hey' she murmured Sophie let out a scoff 'what ever you have ignored me this past month' she said looking at her 'it's not fair I'm supposed to be your best friend'  she said shaking her head 'Me and Kiera have been given an offer from Barcelona' she said Sophie looked wide eyed and then down 'it's your dream to play for them' she said looking at her 'I know it is but it means leaving you' she said 'Kiera is all up for it she thinks I should take it but that her opinion she wants me to put distance between us'. Sophie rolled her eyes 'Of course she does just because she's insecure about the relationship me and you have or had ' she said with a nod 'this is one you need to make for you' she said as she went home and sat on her sofa her head in her hands as she bit her lip with a sigh.

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