Chapter 19

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Sophie was on top of the world after the win sat on top of Lucy's shoulders singing and cheering. 'Sophie Lucy post match conference please' Sophie groaned 'really?' She said sliding off her shoulders before going with Lucy walked into the conference room hands and sat down 'So are you talking over from Leah?' One of the reporters asked Sophie looked at him 'Na im vice captain Leah is the captain until she can't do it it's up to the vice captains job to step up Leah took a day off she's human' she said. 'So Lucy what's your pre match ritual?' Another asked 'right shin pad right boot same with the left I like to kiss my girlfriend after that's it's Lucy smiled 'how do you both feel after the win'  Sophie looked 'you first Lucy' Lucy laughed 'I feel on top of the own world' she said 'Like we can win this' she said Sophie smiled 'the girls played well everyone played their hearts out as they do every girl 'give it two years we might have a World Cup ' she winked and got up with Lucy back into the changing rooms and getting changed. Before going back to the hotel getting showered and getting dressed Sophie was doing her hair when Lucy came out with a towel around her and Sophie smirked looking at her 'looking good babe' she said as Lucy returned the smirk. 'I always do to you' she said Sophie laughed and finished her hair and stood up Lucy stared at her 'Well we could just stay here' she said holding her waist 'No No No' she said 'you do this every time' she said looking at her pointing a finger. 'Hurry up I'm going down to wait with the others' she said grabbing her phone with a smirk pecking her lips walking out.

She went down to the other girls. Lucy huffed getting ready 'bloody tease' she said as she sorted her hair and went down.

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