Chapter 3

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Sophie decided to go on a long drive to a beach in Blackpool and was walking along the promenade trying to get her head straight which wasn't easy she looked and got 6 of them dohnuts with the sugar on and hummed as she munched on then and sat on a wall watching the sea 'im sorry to disturb but can my grand daughter have a picture?' She asked Sophie grinned and nodded looking down at the little curl with a smile and picked her up placing her in the wall talking a photo whither her and she looked and gave her 2 tickets to next game ' I want her to be my mascot' she said looking at her' as the grandmother nodded and left her. Sophie picked up her knees and hugged them to her chest watching the waves.

Lucy looked and saw the familiar girl sat on the wall and sat beside her 'I've been looking for you for hours' she said 'I needed to get away' she said looking at her the difference is is that this is a permanent  move ' she said 'you won't be coming back' she sad as she watched the waves 'no body leaves Barcelona once they go' she said 'it will be good for you go follow your dreams with Kiera I will learn to move on' she said looking at her as she leaned in Lucy's shoulder kissing her cheek as Lucy wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 'You need to go for your career' she said Lucy looked 'She said it's either her or you she gave me an ultimatum'. She said looking at her Sophie shook her head 'you need to go for your relationship for everything I will be fine' she said

Lucie had got the train down and was in the car with Sophie driving back to Manchester singing along to the radio'Can I stay with you tonight?' Lucy asked Sophie looked at her and nodded 'I have a good bottle of wine' she said looking at her 'might be the last chance' she said as she pulled up at her apartment building 'you better tell Kiera where you are in case she worries' she said looking at her as she got out unlocking the door walking in before putting some food on 'Hey Kiera I'm staying at Sophie's when you get this'. She said hand up Sophie smiled weakly at her as she cooked. Lucy jumped on the side pinching something out of the pan only to be hit my Sophie's spoon 'Ow' she said getting down off the counter holding her hand Sophie held her spoon up threateningly as Lucy held her hands up and tickled her Sophie jumped and yelled squirming in her arms laughing as as she tried batting her hands away 'Lucyyyy' she squealed as she gripped her wrists 'Stop' she breathed with a smile on her face as she looked up into her eyes smiling gently as she released her wrist stroking her cheek gently as she watched her lean into it. Lucy leaned her head on her shoulder her breath tickling Sophie's neck as she stroked her hair gently 'I've got ya Luce' she whispered holding the taller girl close to her.

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