Chapter 15

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They were on their way back from the stadium and the bus was rocking everyone was singing and and very lively Sophie grinned knelt up in her seat watching everyone and recording. Lucy looked at her 'how about me and you go out on a little date ' she said looking at her with a smile. Sophie looked at her and nodded with a smile 'I'd like that's she said grinning pecking her lips gently.

Later on Sophie and Lucy were getting dressed to go out for dinner Sophie looked through her outfits and pulled on a one of her dresses she knew Lucy liked on and Lucy had trousers  and a nice shirt on

Sophie ran her hand down Lucy's shirt 'you know we could stay in' she said looking at her kissing along her jaw. Lucy let out a laugh 'I wish we could but we need food ' she said holding her waist 'And we're meeting the girls for drinks they are all coming out later on Sophie let out a huff and slid her heels on 'Let's go' she said looking at her with a smile

Lucy held her hand as they sat in the restaurant as they got a nice bottle of wine as they looked at the menu they both decided on a steak. They waited for their food to come. 'So have you spoke to Kiera?' She asked Lucy looked at her 'Not yet I'll talk to her later tonight' she said as she are she seems pretty chill about the whole thing to be honest' Sophie looked and nodded gently. As she ate 'good' she said as told a sip of wine.

Soon enough they were at the bar with the girls and the drinks were flowing everyone was up dancing and having a good time. Sometime later Sophie was in the bathroom. She walked out and saw Beth getting in Lucy's face 'woah woah what's going on' she said getting in between the pair of them 'Beth looked at her 'I went outside for some air to cool myself off and call viv and I see these two kissing outside' she said gesturing to Lucy and Kiera. Sophie whipped around looking at Lucy 'I think I'm gonna go' she said walking off leaving everyone and going back to the hotel asking Sarina if she can have a separate toom which she gave her a key for. She got her stuff and moved it into the new room and got in the shower sobbing her heart out after about an hour she got out and went to bed looking at her phone as it started blowing up from Lucy and the other girls she turned it off and put it on charge and rolled over going to sleep.

The best friendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें