Chapter 05: Night Time

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Robby started blasting rock music the moment we shut the door, something he usually does when we piss him off

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Robby started blasting rock music the moment we shut the door, something he usually does when we piss him off. I'm not surprised the neighbors don't complain, all they have to do to get some sleep is stick a needle in their arm.

All of us gave up on getting any sleep except Mak, she passed out the second she hit the pillow. She's always been the sleeper of the group, slugging around.

Ares grabbed his headphones that only work on one ear and went to sit on the fire escape, he also probably went out there to smoke. It's an unhealthy habit he adapted after some kids at school gave him a pack. Jack and I only do it once in a while when things start to pile up.

Alea and Jack decided to make up a handshake, they were pressed up into the corner of Ares's top bunk. It's been thirty minutes and I can still hear them repeating the moves.

We turned off the lights and kept on a little lamp and some string lights. Quinn decided to come sit on my bed, we've been attached at the hip since yesterday. She seems off, but it could just be random anxiety.

My bunk, that's under Jack's is probably the second cleanest behind Quinn's. There's mostly just polaroids of us and a few small sticky notes reminding me of stuff to do. The open space where my feet lay is covered by a sheet, blocking the space that showed the blank brick at the end of Alea and Mak's bed.

It's now 1 am, we got home an hour ago and the music is still blasting but it's mixed in with voices. It's Thursday, so Robby's off work for the night, so he probably invited some of his friends who live a few doors down.

"Walker," Quinn says, quietly from where she is lying down, her feet in my lap.

I hum in response, drawing little doodles on her ankle with my fingertips. She takes a deep breath and bites her lip, "I have to use the bathroom."

I glance up at Alea and Jack who are now quietly chatting before looking back down to Quinn worriedly.

"Can you hold it?" I ask she shakes her head before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

I sigh before getting up, I open the dresser drawer and grab her PJs. "You should probably change while you're in there."

She nods from where she is now standing behind me. I nod towards the door and she turns on her heel walking towards it, stepping over the piles of clothes on the floor.

I follow right behind her, Quinn unlocks the door and I push her behind me. The floorboards creak under our weight. The music is now turned down a little but the chatter has grown.

After making sure no one is lingering in the hallway I motion for Quinn to come out, I keep her on the left knowing the right is the doorway that looks into the living room.

I put my hand on her lower back, leading her towards the door. She grips the ends of her sweater, subconsciously leaning closer to me as the laughter gets louder.

Thankfully, we made it to the bathroom door without anyone making any crappy comments. She turns towards me with her lip in between her lips, something she does a lot. I hand her the clothes and she smiles in thanks.

"You'll wait outside, right?" Quinn asks, the bathroom door's lock has been broken since we were fifteen. Usually, it's not a problem because we don't take that long in the bathroom. But I think Quinn is worried that one of Robby's friends is going to try to take a peek.

"Of course," She nods, turning around and walking into the bathroom. I lean my back on the door and look down at my sock-clad feet.

"Hey, kid!" Someone calls, making my head snap up. One of Robby's friends who looks like he's in his late 30s.

I narrow my eyes at him, he's wearing a Mathron shirt with jeans. "How old are ya'?" He asks as Robby and his other friends watch with smiles on their faces.

"Sixteen," I grumbled, crossing my arms. The man's brows raise in surprise, and he holds up a beer bottle. "Come put some hair on your chest."

Robby laughs, his shirt is now un-buttoned showing off his hairy chest, "Come on, be a man!" He says, clapping.

I look at his hairy chest, then back at him. "and then look like you? No thanks."

All his friends laugh, taking another sip of beer. I can't help that smirk that makes its way onto my face.

The bathroom door opens, making me stumble back. But I catch myself on the doorframe and turn around.

Quinn is standing there with furrowed eyebrows, her old clothes in hand. "Ready?" I ask, moving my body so I'm blocking the view of the men in the living room.

She chews the inside of her cheek and nods. Her dirty blonde hair is out of the ponytail and braided, laying on her shoulder.

I take a step back so she has room to walk back, she steals a quick glance at Robby's friends before heading towards the bedroom.

The unknown man looks her up and down, "Is that your girlfriend?" He asks.

Quinn freezes, I clench my jaw and give her a gentle push towards our room. She seems to snap out of it and speeds walk towards the open door.

"Fuck off," I spit at the man before following Quinn. I hear him bark out a laugh as I slam the door.

I look around the room, the lamp is turned off the only thing lighting up the room is the small fairy lights.

Jack is now shirtless, dead asleep on his bed tangled up in his dark blue blanket. Alea is painting her toe nails with a dark red nail polish.

Ares must still be outside because he's not in his bed. Quinn is laying down in her bed with her back turned to the wall.

I sigh, tiredly rubbing my eyes. "Night Alea, night Quinn."

Alea hums, her tounge out of her mouth to in focus. Quinn sends me a tired smile before turning away and going to sleep.

I crawl onto my bed and lay my head on the pillow.

I stare up at the carved intials in the wood making me smile.

A+M+Q+J+W+A best friends for life.

A+M+Q+J+W+A best friends for life

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Crappy filler chapter

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