Chapter 03: Snitch

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After a short thirty-minute walk we made it to the wealthier part of the city

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After a short thirty-minute walk we made it to the wealthier part of the city.

On the way, Leo told us that his dad would kill him if he found him sneaking around. We assured him that there was no way he could find out.

Alea skips in front of us, Leo's on my right and Quinn on my left. People look at us as we pass them, probably wondering why we aren't in class.

"Let's go to that park over there," Ares says from behind us, pointing to a little park with a fountain. There are not many people there just a few walking their dogs or reading.

"Oooo," Alea changes her direction and starts speed walking towards it. Leo chuckles from next to me.

"Ducks!" Quinn leaves my side to catch up with Alea. "I think those are pigeons," Jack shouts, Quinn turns her head flashing a smile and shrugging.

"Pigeons aren't real, everyone knows that," I say in a duh tone, Pigeons are the government's way to spy on people. I hear Ares burst out laughing, I snap my head towards him. "Let me guess, you believe aliens are real?"

"Aliens are real! Mak thinks so too." I argue, looking towards Mak who's stationed in front of a record store window.  She's just staring in there, which makes me concerned, she's not the type to like records. Ares, who is closest to her, snaps in her face. She snaps out of whatever world she is in and turns to smile at us.

"Aliens are real, duh." Me, Jack, and Ares look at each other, somethings is up with her. But that's a conversation we can worry about later.

We arrive at the park to be met with the sight of Alea and Quinn running through the flocks of pigeons, "Be careful!" I warn, "The government might snip you in your sleep."

"The government might actually snip you in your sleep," Leo says, I turn to him raising an eyebrow, "You know, because you just know sooo much."

Ares laughs, putting a hand on my shoulder. "You better be on high alert." I groan, now I'm paranoid.

We walk towards the fountain and take a seat on the edge, the sun is out now and the air is fresh. Alea and Quinn are still playing with the pigeons, my hands get sweaty as they start walking towards me.

The pigeon cocks its head and I grimace. "Get this monster away," I say, lightly kicking my leg towards it.

"Aww," Quinn says walking towards me, her little demon friends following her, "they won't hurt you."

"Yes, they will!" I argue, crossing my arms like a child. "Do you see their little beady eyes? there waiting to attack."

Quinn just chuckles silently, bending down to talk to the birds. The wind blows through her dirty-blonde hair, she looks so happy, so pure. She senses me staring at her because she looks through her long eyelashes up at me.

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