Chapter 04: Overeacted

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I panicked when I couldn't find my son, something inside of me went off

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I panicked when I couldn't find my son, something inside of me went off. I sent all my kids and all the guards to look for him. I was worried some bullies got to him like they did at every other school.

Leo is the one I'm most protective of out of all my children. He's always nervous and on the edge. We had to send him to six different schools, six. In each one, some kids were harassing him physically and verbally. Of course, they were dealt with but I wanted him to have a fresh start. So after four private schools and two public we sent him to one pretty far from us but looked like a good place for him to learn.

In the afternoon when I went to pick him up he wasn't there waiting for me. I waited for an hour until I was the only one outside of it. I had gotten a call earlier from the school that he had been absent from a pep rally. I assumed he was in the bathroom waiting it out.

I looked all around the school, and nearby alleyways, I thought he was gone. One of my employees finally got through and was able to track his phone I found him outside some cheap restaurant joking around with a group of kids his age.

They looked like nice kids, a little scrapped up but he had a smile on his face for once. I got so angry that he didn't even think to text or call.  I wasn't thinking at all when I went to go knock on the kid's door.

I was so smug when they were shitting bricks, I expected a mother, or father to open the door and scold one of them. I don't know why I wanted them to get in trouble so much.

When a woman who smelled like cheap beer and discount perfume opened the door and called for her husband I'm assuming, I thought it was the blonde boy's parents. Seeming they have similar hair colors. But I was proven wrong when some brunette guy came to the door.

Halfway into me exposing the kids I realized I had screwed up badly. I knew who this type of guy was, I grew up with this type of guy. He was one to smack kids around for no reason. I regretted it even more when he said it was a group home.

From where I was standing the apartment looked incredibly small, I couldn't imagine six growing teenagers living there. I wanted to take everything I said back but he was already closing the door after smacking that boy's head.

I stood there for a few seconds, trying to listen in on the yelling happening on the other side of the door.

I turn on my heel, walking down the narrow hallway towards the staircase. Leo's probably going to be mad at me and giving me the silent treatment, then Rose is going to scold me for reacting like that.

As I descend the stairs I pull out my phone and tell everyone to stop searching. They bombard me with questions about where I am but I silence my phone and get into the driver's seat.

I sigh, "Look Leo I overreacted-" I try to reason but am cut off by him.  "For once I actually had friends! Now there probably not going to like me."

I start the engine and do a U-turn. "You don't know that."

Leo crosses his arms and glares at the dashboard, "Yes I do. It's not the 1800s anymore, teenagers are different." Normally, I would scold him for snapping at me but If I'm being honest I kind of deserve it.

" Normally, I would scold him for snapping at me but If I'm being honest I kind of deserve it

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short and bad written chapter but it's 1am soooo 🤷‍♀️

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