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CHAPTER EIGHTtrain station

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train station

( present time )

It had been a week since Sola arrived at Japan. On the first night, she couldn't sleep at all. It was probably the jitters of being alone she had thought. Who wouldn't be nervous to be in a country that you're not that familiar with, especially when there's no any other Filipino out there.

It was a good thing that Mayu was there to help along with her needs. She knew that her parents can be quite old school so she took it upon herself to help the girl out. Although, it wasn't long 'till she got a call another call from her coach that she really needed to attend training for the competition. This left her no choice but to leave Sola to her own devices as she couldn't miss another practice or else she'll get in trouble this time.

The teenager was very understanding since she really didn't want to cause inconvenience to her. After all, she just met her and is just living under the same roof for a temporary reason. Her stay wouldn't be a permanent one.

Another thing that she was grateful for was the hospitality of the old couple. They were nothing but kind towards her— treating her as if she's one of their own. Midori felt like she had another daughter during the girl's stay as she felt motherly instincts towards the teenager.

Sola didn't want to make it weird but she really does enjoy staying with them. She was a bit skeptical at first, not really used to this overly kind actions from her previous foster homes. But it honestly felt like home. But she knew that this 'home' wasn't meant for her stay forever.

"Are you really sure that you don't want us to drop you off to your destination? It's much more convenient if we drop you off at the place and not by a train station." Midori worriedly asked.

The girl couldn't help but smile towards the older female. "I'm sure of it Midori-san. I'm sure I can handle it."


"Honey, I'm sure Sola can handle herself. We've already instructed her on how to go there so I'm sure she wouldn't get lost." Mikihisa soothes his wife's worries, patting her hand with his. He looks back towards the teenager with a tinge of worry in his eyes as well.

"Do be careful out there Sola. Got the map that we've made for you?" He asked.

The teenager pulls it out from her pocket, waving it and smiled. "Got it in my pocket." She replied before placing it back safely inside.

"Good. Good..." Midori nods before giving her a small smile. She suddenly lets out a gasp.

"Well, you should better go now or you might miss your train."

Sola stood up straight, awkwardly holding onto the strap of her backpack with the other on her suitcase. "Oh ehrm right— uh thank you both really. Thank you for taking care of me even if it was just for a week."

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